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   "Oh, aren't these Wonwoo's friends?" Wonwoo's mother asked as she saw the crowd enter the kitchen.

   "Yes, we are ma'am. And we're going to try to explain this as briefly as we can. Wonwoo has been put to an asylum by the therapist that tried to rape him, she was hired to "treat" Wonwoo, since the CEO and some of the band members thought he was having hallucinations, as he claimed to see a woman called Jinchae. Now, we all know that woman is real." Woozi explained unfolding a paper and sliding it over to the man.

   It was the copy of the article on the disappeared woman.

   Both of the parents' faces went limp.

   "Now what you're going to do is cooperate and answer all of questions willingly, we'd hate to have to get the answers any other way." Joshua threatened, using the deepest voice he could.

   Even Seungcheol was surprised, he didn't know Joshua could be this scary, but he didn't show it.

   All the parents could do was nod, with their mouths slightly agape, as they were shocked.

   "What is your relation to this woman?" Seunghceol asked looking directly into the man's eyes.

   "S-she was my girlfriend. Before I married Wonwoo's mom I dated her." He answered stuttering a little.

   "How did you break up? Where did she go after that?" Seungcheol asked once again.

   "She broke up with me! I found a letter one day when I came back form work and it said she was sick of me and she was leaving a-and I never heard of her again." The man answered.

   Jun wasn't pleased with the answer. He slowly walked over to the man, all eyes on him. Jun grabbed the man by the collar and pinned him to the wall.

   "She is haunting Wonwoo. If she had just left you she wouldn't be haunting Wonwoo. You did something that tipped her off and now she's getting her revenge. I won't ask again this nicely, what did you do to her?" Junhui asked though gritted teeth.

   "I didn't do anything I swear! She just left me! I-I cried for days and I tried to contact her but I couldn't get a hold of her!" The man cried.

   Junhui swung his right fist across the man's face once. Twice. Three times, before the woman in the room stopped him.

   Jun's fist was painted red as Woonwo's mom pulled him back.

   "I did it! I killed her! Just, please... Don't hurt my husband..." The woman admitted.

   Everyone looked at her, wide eyed.

   "What!? Why would you kill her!?" Wonwoo's dad exclaimed.

   "I-I loved you, but you loved her. And I heard through a mutual friend that you were going to propose to her, and after that I would have no chance. So, one day, I went to your house where she was staying, I knocked her out and wrote that note. I hid her in the woods for a couple days but then she tried to escape and get back before I planned out what to do with her, so when I saw her running away I panicked and hit her with my car. I thought she was dead, so I threw her down a bridge." The woman confessed, tearing up.

    Wonwoo's dad's expression was filled with anger, sadness and disgust.

    "I'm all about gender equality." Jun said and then proceeded to pin her to the wall.

   "You are going to take us to the bridge tonight and help us take the body out." Jun told the woman and she nodded.

   "Why at night? Why not now?" Joshua asked.

   "In the daylight? Where people see? I don't know about you but I have about zero time to explain why I'm dragging a body out of the water to whoever sees us." Jihoon said sarcastically.

   Junhui let go of the woman.

   "The both of you are coming to the hotel with us. Just a precaution in case you start having ideas." Seungcheol declared.

   Seungcheol and Woozi walked in front of the couple and The8, Junhui and Joshua walked behind them, to make sure no one escaped, and they soon reached the hotel.

   "C-can I just ask what you're going to do with the body?" Wonwoo's dad asked, with a shaky voice.

   "No, you can't. You'll see when the time comes." The8 answered looking at the man furiously.

   There was no reason for them to be mad at the man, as he apparently knew nothing about Jinchae's death, but the boys couldn't help but feel hatred towards the both of them.

   Soon, darkness covered the city, and, after getting properly dressed up and grabbing the backpack, the group left, with Wonwoo's mom giving Joshua directions to said bridge.

Lonely Paranoia // j.wWhere stories live. Discover now