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   Mingyu was on his way again to visit Wonwoo. Once he arrived Mingyu headed towards the woman behind the desk.

   "Um, I'm a visitor, for Jeon Wonwoo?" Mingyu said and the woman typed in something on her computer.

  "Mr. Jeon has moved bedrooms and is currently unstable for visitors." The woman said.

   Mingyu widened his eyes.

   "W-what!? What do you mean unstable? You have to let me see him! Please!" Mingyu begged.

   "Well if his condition changes, for better of course, you might be able to see him, but only if you're family or accompanied by a family member." The woman informed, looking at him through her glasses.

   "Well I'm... I'm his boyfriend." Mingyu lied.

    He bit his lip, as he felt bad for lying, but he desperately needed to see Wonwoo to check on him.

   "Alright then when he is stable I'll make sure to call you, just take a seat in the waiting room. I just need to know your name." She said.

   "Mingyu. Kim Mingyu." He told her and she wrote it down.

   Mingyu took a seat in the waiting room and quickly drifted off to sleep, as he had been to worried to sleep in the past days. He was awoken by a loud noise.

   "Mr. Kim Mingyu please attend to the reception please." The woman called.

   Mingyu quickly got up and hurried to the desk.

   "He's in room 103." The woman informed the boy and gave him a card.
Mingyu didn't bother to look at the cart and just bowed slightly and mumbled a "thanks".

  The boy nearly ran to the room, as he could not wait to see his hyung. Once Mingyu found the room he was faced with a guard by the metal door.

   "I-I'm here to see Jeon Wonwoo." Mingyu said as calmly as he could.

   "Do you have the card?" The guard asked and Mingyu extended him a card that gave him access to the room.

   The build man nodded and took the keys out of his pocket, slowly opening the door so Mingyu could enter.

   The room was covered in a pillow like material, making the room safe enough for a one year old to be there without getting hurt.

    Mingyu found Wonwoo sitting in a corner, clutching his legs against his chest, while slightly rocking back and fourth.

    As the younger approached him he noticed the tears continuously running down the hyung's cheeks.

   "Wonwoo! Wonwoo what's wrong!?" Mingyu exclaimed, kneeling beside the older.

    Mingyu's eyes scanned Wonwoo up and down as he started breathing rapidly. While waiting for he response, the younger wiped Wonwoo's tears, unconsciously starting to cry.

   "She came to me when I was alone, and then someone came in and gave me something to fall asleep b-but she appeared in my head, so I started screaming and squirming s-so someone came in and took me here. Mingyu I'm scared. They treat me like a lunatic a-and they leave me alone so she always comes back!" Wonwoo yelled, crying his eyes out again while grasping the sides of his head harshly.

    Mingyu hugged Wonwoo and pet his head.

   "Shh come on Wonwoo, calm down." Mingyu shushed the older while humming to Adore U.

   Wonwoo calmed down a little with these actions.

   "Come on, take a deep breath hyung." Mingyu told Wonwoo and the latte did so.

   "Don't worry Wonwoo, the guys are fixing the problem, hold on a little longer, it's going to be okay." Mingyu said and kissed the top of the other's head.

   "I hope you're right..." Wonwoo whispered and held Mingyu's hand.

  "Yeah... I hope so too."

Lonely Paranoia // j.wWhere stories live. Discover now