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   Wonwoo woke up with heavy breathing beside him.

   He instantly knew who it was, and his eyes shot open and he stumbled to the corner of the room.

   "You... Should have... Been my son..." The woman whispered in a raspy voice, occasionally pausing between words.

   "W-what!? N-no! Don't come closer to me!" Wonwoo screamed, starting to hyperventilate.

   She limped closer to him and then kneeled in front of his eyes. Her hands travelled up his arms and traced an horizontal line on his neck, followed by pressing her thumb nails in his jawline, with such a strength that he started to scream.

   "Mingyu!" He yelled and seconds after the door opened.

   "What's wrong!?" The nurse asked kneeling beside Wonwoo.

   She inspected the red marks on his neck and jawline and furrowed her eyebrows.

   "M-Mingyu. B-bring Mingyu. I only want M-Mingyu here." Wonwoo stuttered as he started rocking abck and fourth again.

   The asylum usually didn't allow it, but all that seemed to calm Wonwoo and easy his mind was Mingyu's visit.

   Back in the dorm Mingyu woke up with a loud ringing, provides by his phone. He looked at te screen, that showed an unknown mumber.

   "Hello?" Mingyu greeted still in his morning voice.

   "Hello, am I talking to Mr. Kim Mingyu?" A feminine voice asked from the other side.

   "Yes, may I ask who is this?" Mingyu asked sitting on his bed.

   "This is the local asylum, one of our residents, Jeon Wonwoo, requested to see you." The woman spoke from the other side.

   In that second Mingyu jolted from the bed.

   "Wonwoo!? Yes, yes of course I'll be right there."

    Mingyu hung up and threw some random jeans on and a pair of shoes before running to the asylum.

   He was sweating and panting when he arrived the reception.

   "I-I got a phonecall..." Mingyu told while breathing heavily.

   "Oh yes Mr. Kim, the same room as the other day." The receptionist said, upon recognizing the male.

   Mingyu bowed and ran to the room, where he barges in once he found it.

   The boy sitting on the corner lifted his head and ran to the taller boy's arms, upon recognizing him.

   "M-Mingyu she was here! She was here and she did these!" Wonwoo yelled pointing at his neck and jaw.

   Mingyu's thumbs traced his skin.

   "Don't worry Wonwoo, hold on a little longer. The hyungs are almost done." Mingyu whispered and while petting the older's head, that was buried in his chest, crying.

    Eventually they moved so Mingyu was sitting down with his arm around Wonwoo, that rested his head on Mingyu's shoulder.

   Just Mingyu's presence seemed to ease Wonwoo, as he was no longer crying or breathing fast.

   "How can I live as one when half of me is gone..." Mingyu sang to Wonwoo.

   "I don't wanna cry." Wonwoo completed.

   "No I don't wanna cry." They both sang looking at each other in the eyes.

   They both smiled at each other, like they were the only ones in the world.

   That peace was interrupted when the door burst open.

   "My report specifically stated that Wonwoo's house mates were not helping his mental state, thus him staying here. Mr. Kim please leave on your free will or you'll be taken away." Yongmin declared standing in front of three guards.

   Mingyu refused to move, and only held Wonwoo tighter.

    The woman signaled the men to take Mingyu and two of them advanced, pulling Mingyu away, while the other one held Wonwoo down.

   "Mingyu!" Wonwoo yelled at the top of his lungs, kicking and squirming around.

   "Wonwoo!" Mingyu yelled back, kicking around, trying to get the men to let go.

    The men carried Mingyu away and threw him on the reception floor.

   Meanwhile, Wonwoo threw a punch at the guard holding him down and started running towards where the men had dragged Mingyu to, when, suddenly, his throat was grabbed and he was pinned to the wall.

   "I said I was getting my revenge." The feminine voice that became Wonwoo's nightmare spoke.

   The woman smiled as she held Wonwoo's throat harder, making him gasp for hair.

   Suddenly there was a crack, then another and the skull of the woman undid itself, creating a river of blood down the woman's body.

   She fell down to Wonwoo's feet, and behind her stood a curved body, with dark hair covering the face. Jinchae.

   Wonwoo was shivering in fear, exchanging looks between the lifeless body in front of him and the woman walking slowly in his direction.

   Wonwoo screamed, as the woman caressed his cheek. Slowly, her skin started taking a more natural colour, and her figure wasn't as crooked.

   Wonwoo was panicking, he did not know what was happening, and, in fear of his skull having the same destiny as his old therapist's, he broke the window behind him.

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