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    Wonwoo woke up in the middle of the night again. He tried keeping his eyes shut, but the curiosity won over him and he opened them. The boy looked around and saw nothing. He was about to lay back down when he saw a figure standing beside his bed.

  Wonwoo widened his eyes and opened his mouth to scream, when the latter was covered by a big hand.

  "Don't scream hyung, it's just me." Mingyu whispered and Wonwoo exhaled.

  "Don't do this to my heart Gyu! Why are you up at" Wonwoo paused to look
at the clock beside his bed "3am?" he asked finally.

  "I was worried about you..." the younger said shyly, rubbing the back of
his neck.

  "That's cute." Wonwoo said, smiling widely, also making the other boy smile.

  "Let's go to the living room, to not wake anyone up." Mingyu suggested
and Wonwoo got up from the bed.

  Upon arriving the living room they sat on the sofa and started having a small talk, while scrolling through each other's phones.

  "Oh my God, why do you have this?" Wonwoo asked laughing.

  Mingyu snatched the phone from the boy's hands and looked at the screen, to find a picture of Wonwoo sleeping, with his adorable sweater paws.

  "Y-you just looked good! S-shut up Wonwoo!" Mingyu said blushing, while
lightly slapping the elder's shoulder.

  "Don't pretend you don't have that one picture of Seungcheol half naked!"
Mingyu whisper-yelled, making Wonwoo widen his eyes.

  "That's for comparison purposes. I will have arms like those one day." Wonwoo said crossing his arms in front of his chest.

  Both boys started laughing quietly.

  "Ahh what is this." Mingyu said after laughing for a while.

  "I need to get some food, I'll be back Gyu." Wonwoo said and stood up.

  He opened the drawers and took Hoshi's cereal, then turning around, only to be faced by the woman once again. He dropped the ceral and just stood there, looking at her.

  "N-no. Not again." Wonwoo said, dropping to his knees.

  This time the woman approached, and traced Wonwoo's jawline with her finger.

  "You.. Look... Just... Like... Your... Father..." she whispered in his ear, in a low, raspy voice.

  "Wonwoo did you say some- oh my God." Mingyu said, widening his eyes.

  The boy let the phone in his hand drop and the woman stood up and turned around, and, just like that, she vanished in the air, just like dust.

  Mingyu hurried over to Wonwoo and fell to his knees beside the boy.

  "I-It's okay Wonwoo. S-she didn't hurt you." Mingyu told Wonwoo, while side-hugging him and petting his hair.

  Mingyu stood up, helping Wonwoo do so as well.

  "It's going to be okay Wonwoo. If Seungcheol says so, we have to believe it." Mingyu told his hyung, which sniffed and nodded.

  After Wonwoo's arms were properly clean Mingyu took the boy to his room and waited for him to sleep.

  "I hope you're right Cheol hyung..." Mingyu whispered and headed for his own bed.

  Mingyu couldn't sleep though, not after what he saw. He really admired
Wonwoo for even being able to open his eyes in the middle of the night. He
really feared for his hyung's life, especially now that he knew what the
woman looked like.

  Upon waking up the members found Mingyu's behaviour a little off, so Seungcheol, being the good leader he is, pulled the boy aside.

  "Mingyu is something wrong?" S.Coups asked quietly.

  The younger nodded frenetically.

  "What is it?" the leader asked again.

  "W-well, last night me and Wonwoo came to the living room, because he couldn't sleep and I was worried about him, and at some point he went to the kitchen to get some snacks and after a bit I heard his voice, so naturally I followed his voice to the kitchen a-and I saw him, kneeling on the floor, a-and the woman was in front of him a-and then I spoke and she turned to me a-and oh my God she's terrifying hyung!" Mingyu said, yelling the last part.

  Seungcheol widened his eyes. No one had ever seen it besides Wonwoo.

  "Listen Mingyu, you can't tell about the article to the other members okay?And you can't tell you saw her either, okay? It's easier for them to think
Wonwoo is crazy and that the therapist is fixing it than to have them think
there's a ghost flying around here. We'll get through this, it's just a matter of time, you understand?" Cheol asked, and Mingyu nodded.

  "Alright, let's get back to the band Gyu, try to act normal." Seungcheol told the boy as he started to walk away, Mingyu following.

  Upon seeing Seungcheol leaving the kitchen, followed by Mingyu, Hoshi pulled Woozi back.

  "Jihoon, is everything okay?" Hoshi asked.

  Woozi looked around, before shaking his head no.

  "What? What happened?" Hoshi whispered.

  "I don't know if I should tell you hyung..." Woozi whispered back rubbing his neck.

  "Why?" Hoshi asked, pouting.

  "Because you're a big mouth! The maknae line isn't supposed to know about this... Only Mingyu knows because he's very close to Wonwo." Woozi argued.

  "Ahh that's why..." Hoshi said and rubbed the back of his neck, while smiling shyly.

  "But I promise I won't tell Jihoon!" Hoshi nearly yelled, clasping his hands together.

  Jihoon sighed.

  "Fine. Turns out the Jinchae woman Wonwoo saw was real at some point...
We found an article saying a woman called Jinchae misteriously disappeared in Changwon. The police says she's dead, because there are no records whatsoever of her leaving Changwon, and they couldn't find her anywhere in the city." Woozi told his hyung, making the older gasp.

  "I see... But why was Mingyu leaving the kitchen with Seungcheol? Did something happen to Wonwoo they needed to discuss? Because Mingyu had a kind of weird expression in his face.

  "Beats me..."

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