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   It had passed a week and Wonwoo was feeling... okay. He had gotten used to the visits. He didn't handle it well, but at least he had gotten used to being scared beyond life nearly every day.

   The therapist day came and she was sitting in front of Wonwoo, asking the same old questions.

   "Has she showed up again?" the therapist asked.

   "Y-No. She hasn't showed up in 4 or 5 days." Wonwoo lied, remembering what Seungcheol said.

   "And, have you been sleeping well?" she asked again, suspiciously putting away the pad she used to take notes.

   "W-well, yes." the boy answered, never taking his eyes off of the woman's hands.

   "Well, that's great." Yongmin complimented as she stood up.

   Wonwoo's eyes followed the woman's movements, curious as what would happen next.

   She walked closer to Wonwoo as straddled his waist with her legs.

   "I-I'm sorry Miss, b-but w-what are you doing?" Wonwoo asked nervously when he saw the woman's hands roam around his torso.

   "I'm just... Having a little fun. You're really hot you know? I always wondered how that deep voice of yours would sound yelling my name." the therapist said, whispering the last bit in the boy's ears.

Wonwoo pushed the woman off and stood up.

   "I-I think t-the session is already over." Wonwoo said checking the time.

   "Why would you look at that... It really is. Time flies by when I'm with someone as attractive as you. I guess I'll see you next week." she said and winked, while waving goodbye.

   Wonwoo slumped on his bed and let tears fall from his eyes.

   "How was it Wonwoo?" Seungcheol asked, leaning against the door frame.

   "Wonwoo?" the leader called, after having no answer from the previous question.

   Upon having no answer to this question either the leader walked closer to the bed Wonwoo was laying on.

   "Wonwoo are you crying!? Oh my God what happened?" Seungcheol asked, worried.

   "T-the therapist..." Wonwoo answered, between sobs.

   "The therapist what? Wait a second!" Seungcheol told the boy and ran out of the room and towards the kitchen, to find Mingyu.

   Once he spotted the boy he went closer to him.

   "Follow me, quick." Seungcheol whispered in the boy's ear.

   Mingyu hurriedly stood up and followed the leader to the bedroom Wonwoo was in.

   Both boys ran over to the bed.

    "Wonwoo what's wrong!?" Mingyu asked, scanning the boy with his eyes.

   "Gyu!" Wonwoo yelled and hugged the younger once he saw him.

   "T-the therapist came onto me! S-she sat on my lap a-and started touching me a-and whispering in my ear! I managed to get from underneath her and told her the session was over and she left, b-but I was so scared! I didn't know what to do!" he cried onto Mingyu's shirt.

   Mingyu and Seungcheol exchaged looks.

   "Listen Wonwoo, it might be hard, but she will have to come next week.

   We have no proof she actually did that do you, and God know what she can do if we accuse her. Jeonghan looked into her and apparently she's a prodigy in her job. She is the best of the best, and someone like that has always a shit ton of people covering up for her. We can't afford to get dirt on our name, is that okay Wonwoo?" Seungcheol asked and the younger nodded simply.

   "I'm sorry..." the leader apologized once more.

   "It's okay hyung, I can do it for the band." Wonwoo said, revealing a slight smile.

   This statement nearly made both Mingyu and Seungcheol cry, but both boys mantained their posture.

   The three boys left the room once Wonwoo had calmed down, and joined the other 10 in the living room.

   "Are you feeling okay?" Joshua asked Wonwoo, when the boy sat beside him.

   Wonwoo smiled slightly and nodded his head.

   "I hope to see you at 100% real soon Wonwoo, I miss your cheesy jokes." Joshua told the dongsaeng.

"I'll do my best hyung." Wonwoo said and Joshua smiled at him.

Lonely Paranoia // j.wWhere stories live. Discover now