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    "What do you mean you might be able to help?" Jihoon asked, confused once again.

   The8 grabbed the older's wrist and pulled him to the closest bedroom, shutting the door.

   "Listen, I didn't plan on telling this to anyone because they'd just think I had gone nuts, but the reason why I came to Korea is that what happened to Wonwoo happened to me. I started seeing him, everywhere. I had no idea who he was, but I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't live... My mom noticed and asked what was going on, so I explained to her, and even described the man. She looked shocked, and when I asked why she told me it was a man my dad owed money to, around the time I was born. The amount was insanely high, as since my mom had just had me, he couldn't afford to pay. So my dad hired a hitman, and killed him off. After hearing her say this I went to our church and had a talk to the pastor, that explained me that in order to make it go away I had to burn his corpse with salt and holy water. My mom had told me he was Korean, so I ran away from home and headed to Korea. When I arrived I found his family and pretended to work for the morgue, and made up a shit excuse so they would tell me where he was buried. Then I did what the priest told me to, and he hasn't shown up since. I was going back to China but I was casted after coming from the cemetery." The8 explained, making Jihoon's jaw drop to the floor.

   "So you suggest we do the same?" Jihoon asked and The8 nodded.

   "We need to tell this to the hyungs and Mingyu." Woozi said and told The8 to wait in the room.

   After bringing the four people into the room Minghao re-told the story.

   "We have to visit the dad again. He's in this he's the only one that we know might know where he is." Seugcheol said running his hand through his hair.

   "I'll stay here taking care of the rest of the kids. You should take Hoshi too, he is a black belt." Jeonghan announced.

   "Take Jun." The8 suggested.

   "But Hoshi-"

   "Believe me, you want to take Jun." The8 interrupted the leader.

   The 6 boys left the room and Seungcheol discreetly explained what was gonna happen to Jun, who just nodded.

   There was no time to waste, so the boys packed up quickly to leave immediately.

   "Seungcheol?" Mingyu called by the door.

   Seugcheol turned around to face the bandmate.

   "Yeah?" He asked.

   "I think I should stay... I have to be here for Wonwoo. Would you just please keep me updated?" Mingyu asked and Seungcheol nodded.

   "Of course." The leader answered and smiled.
   Mingyu left after thanking him and sighed. This had been a long month.

   After the four were all packed up they waited for The8 who was in charge of bringing the holy water and buying the lighter and the salt.

   "Where are you guys going?" Dokyeom asked when his eyes landed on the bags that accompanied the boys.

   "We need to take care of some businesses regarding Wonwoo." Jihoon said.

   "What is it?" The younger asked.

   "We can't tell you guys..." Joshua answered and they all looked upset.

   "We're part of the band too! We deserve to know!" Hansol complained, furrowing his eyebrows.

   Seungcheol sighed. He knew Hansol was right, but he had no idea how the boys would react, and since they themselves barely what was going on they thought it would be better to hide the truth for a little.

   "Listen you guys, this is very important. You guys might react badly and plus if more people were involved in this it would just be a big mess. I'm sorry I hope you all understand..." Seungcheol explained and everybody else just accepted.

   Once The8 came back they all took the train to Changwon.

  It was a silent drive, as they couldn't help but worry about the younger ones who had no clue about what was going on. 

  Joshua started scrolling through their twitter, seeing numerous fans' tweets worrying about the band.

  "I hope Wonwoo is okay..."

   "Are they all okay? None of them updated in while..."

  "Be back soon boys! We miss you!"

   Joshua sighed and turned to the leader.

  "Hey Coups." Joshua called.

   Seungcheol lifted his gaze to look at Joshua, who just handed him the phone.

   The leader scrolled down and sighed heavily.

  "[17's Wonwoo] Thank you for being worried but I'm better! Seventeen is working hard on their comeback but we will keep you updated! See you!" Seungcheol typed on their Twitter and hit the "Tweet" button.

   He felt bad for lying to Carat's, but he couldn't tell the truth.

   Seungcheol gave Joshua his phone back and sighed.

   Once they arrived their hotel they all sat on two of the beds.

  "Let's review what to do." Seungcheol said.

  "We explain the situation briefly then ask him who is she and where can we find her. If he doesn't coopearate we use blunt force." Joshua repeated what the leader said while they were on the train.

  Seungcheol nodded and stood up, heading towards the backpack that contained the salt, the holy water, the lighter and a copy of the article they had printed out. He picked it up and put it on his back.

  "Let's go?" He asked and the other four boys stood up, following him.

  They were all feeling nervous as they walked down to Wonwoo's parent's house, and that nervousness didn't decrease as they reached the house's front porch.

  They knocked on the door and were greeted by none other than Wonwoo's dad, who wore a displeased expression as he realized who the boys were.

  "We need to talk to you, Sir." Seungcheol told the man, in the nicest voice he could.

   "I don't think we need to talk." The man said agressively, shooting the fakest smile.

   He was about to shut the door when Jun placed his foot between the door and the door frame, preventing it from closing.

   "He told you we had to talk. It wasn't a question." Junhui said confidently, staring into the man's eyes.

   Jun's serious and confident tone scared the man, and he opened the door wide,  so the six could get in.

Lonely Paranoia // j.wWhere stories live. Discover now