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  It kept coming back. Everynight the shadow paid a visit to Wonwoo and every night it became harder to ignore. Sometimes it sat on the edge of Wonwoo's bed and stared at him, sometimes it stood by the door looking in through a crack, and other times it would just stand beside his bed.

  Wonwoo started becoming obsessed with finding out what this was. He tried sleeping next to Mingyu to feel safer, but the day he slept with Mingyu he found the shadow slowy creeping up the stairs of the bunk bed, causing him to wake Mingyu up with a scream.

  Wonwoo was becoming paranoid, as his members knew it, but none of them knew what was happening. Joshua never thought was had been happening could be related to that night where he helped Wonwoo get glass off of his foot.

  "Wonwoo is not sane nor healthy. He's so pale! He has huge bags under his eyes! His behaviour isn't normal! He's even shaking for fucks sake!" Woozi pointed out glancing at the boy who was hugging his legs close to his chest while looking straight at the tv that was turned off.

  "We have to get him to a therapsit." Seungcheol told the rest of the band and some of them nodded.

  "We can't do that! He's going to think we look at him like he's gone bat shit crazy!" Mingyu defended.

  "But we do!" Seungkwan shot back earning a glare form his hyung.

  Joshua stepped out of the kitchen and sat next to Wonwoo.

  "Hey, what's up?" Joshua greeted his friend who slowly moved his head to look at his hyung.

  "Oh... Hi hyung. Are the others done talking about me too?" Wonwoo asked, a little hurt.

  "W-what!? We're not talking about you!" Joshua lied but Wonwoo just chuckled.

  "It's okay hyung... I see the way others look at me. Like I'm a freak. But I swear, I do see her... She has whispered to me. Her name is Jinchae, but I don't know her." Wonwoo told Joshua.

   Joshua frowned, as he really wasn't understanding his friend, but then his mind shot back to the glass incident.

   "Wonwoo, does this have to do with that time I found you on the floor?"

   Joshua asked and Wonwoo nodded.

   "I know you'll tell the others and they'll think I'm even more of a freak, but she's real. I can see her hyung, but I don't know her..." Wonwoo explained and Joshua sighed.

   He had no idea what to tell his bandmate, fortunately Seungcheol stepped in.

  "Wonwoo, me, Woozi and Jeonghan are going out, you should come too." he told to the younger one, but as a response he only got a nervous "no, thank you".

  "Wonwoo, you should really come, it would do you some good to leave the house for a little." Jeonghan said and Wonwoo stood up, sighing.

Lonely Paranoia // j.wWhere stories live. Discover now