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Jihoon, Seungcheol and Jeonghan left for the library. They told the other boys they were going grocery shopping so they wouldn't get suspicious.

  Upon arriving the three started looking through books.

An hour passed before Jihoon remembered to look it up on one of the computers. Numerous links showed up after the boy typed "Jinchae Changwon". Jihoon clicked on the first link.

  "Woman disappeared in Changwon. Murder or Suicide?" the title read.

  "Hyungs come here." Woozi called and the two boys hurried behind him.

  "A woman disapepared in Changwon area. The woman was reported missing after not going to work a week straight. Worried, the boss called her and her family  but there was no trace of the woman. The police still doesn't have any clues on the woman's whereabouts since she was reported missing on the first week of February. The individual was last seen leaving her workplace. There are no records of said woman leaving the country, or even her hometown. Any leads on the case should be reported to the police." Seuncheol read as  Jihoon scrolled down.

  The boys looked at eachother and printed out a copy of the page.

  They left the place and stopped on a random store to buy some food so the others wouldn't suspect.

  Once they got to the hotel they all sat in Seungcheol's bed, arguing over what to do.

  "I'm not the only one that thinks that Wonwoo's dad is related to this, am I?" Jeonghan asked looking at the boys in front of him.

  "Are you kidding? He's definetely in this. I mean no one acts that suspicious for nothing." Jihoon told the other two nod along.

  "We can't tell Wonwoo what we found, for some reason he's too protective of his dad." Jeoghan said and Seungcheol had an idea.

  "What we can do is tell Mingyu. He's the closest to Wonwoo, plus, he also wants the best for him." Seungcheol suggested and the other two agreed.

  They stood up and were about to lay on their own beds, until Jihoon spoke up.

  "So we all agree that whatever Wonwoo said he saw, it's real?" he asked and Seungcheol and Jonghan exchanged looks before nodding slowly.

  The next day the boys went out for breakfast, and while Wonwoo, Jihoon, Jeonghan and Minghao walked Seungcheol pulled Mingyu back.

  "Is something wrong hyung?" the younger boy asked, but S.Coups didn't answer.

Instead the hyung handed Mingyu the copy of the article. Mingyu read it quickly and looked at Seungcheol with wide eyes.

  "You're the closest to Wonwoo, I need you to get as much information on this woman as you can. Anything he tells you, make sure to tell me. We're almost sure it was his dad who killed her off, we need to find out why and what can we do to make it stop. Without sounding suspicious." Seungcheol said, putting emphasys on the "without", and Mingyu only nodded.

  The two caught up with the rest of he group and walked normally to a restaurant.

  Upon reaching it, they all ordered pancakes, which they devoured.

  "Mingyu!" Wonwoo whined when the younger boy spilled syrup on his sweater.

  "Ah... Sorry hyung." Mingyu apologized cutely trying to wipe the syrup off.

  Wonwoo chuckled.

  "It's okay, I'll just wash it off on the bathroom." Wonwoo said and stood up.

  The boy headed for the bathroom where he grabbed a papertowel and soaked it. He then put some liquid soap directly on his sweater and started rubbing the syrup off.

   Wonwoo smiled happily when he saw the sticky substance fade out. He then submerged the area covered in soap under the tap water. Once he was done he looked up at the mirror to be greeted by his reflection, only to find the woman of the name Jinchae standing behind him. She did nothing at first, but just her presence made the wide-eyed Wonwoo freeze on the spot.

  The woman started limping closer to Wonwoo, making the boy scream. He smashed the mirror in front of him and dropped on his knees, holding his now bloody hand, filled with small pieces of glass.

  The other five boys burst in the bathroom and looked down at the boy.

  "Call an ambulance! Quick!" Seungcheol yelled while he picked the boy up bridal style.

  Wonwoo couldn't stop crying and yelling "she's following me".

  When the ambulance arrived he was immediately taken to the hospital, followed by the other five boys in a cab.

  His hand was injured very badly, to the point where he had to get stiches.

  "How are we going to tell this to the Carats... There were people there they surely filmed it, what are we going to tell them!?" Mingyu whisper yelled, starting to freak out.

  "Don't worry, we'll make up an excuse for that later Gyu, now we have to focus on Wonwoo's enjury." Jeonghan told the younger, rubbing his back.

Lonely Paranoia // j.wWhere stories live. Discover now