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  The six boys got to the hotel and got in their rooms. The first room had Wonwoo, Mingyu and Minghao, and the second one had Woozi, Jeonghan and Seungcheol. Minghao had left the bedroom, in a hunt for food, leaving Mingyu and Wonwoo alone.

  "Gyu?" The older boy called.

  "Hm?" Mingyu answered sitting up on his bed.

  "Come lay down next to me?" Wonwoo asked giving Mingyu puppy dog eyes.

  "Feeling lonely, are we?" Mingyu said, chuckling, while he got up from his bed to lay down next to Wonwoo.

  Wonwoo cuddled closer to Mingyu's chest as the younger boy wrapped his arm around his hyung's body.

  "You don't think I'm insane, do you Gyu?" Wonwoo asked looking up at Mingyu.

  "Of course not... Don't worry Wonwoo you'll get through this." Mingyu told Wonwoo, brushing the boy's fringe away from his eyes.

  The two boys smiled, and soon they found themselves lost in each other's eyes. Suddenly the door opened and the boys' looks turned to it, where they saw Minghao coming in with numerous snacks. Wonwoo's eyes lit up and he sat on the bed and cheered as Minghao handed him oreo flavoured pepero sticks. The boy opened the package and started eating them happily whie Mingyu looked up at him, smiling.

  "Gyu why are you looking at me? Do you want to share?" Wonwoo asked holding up a pepero stick.

  Mingyu was about to grab it when Wonwoo placed it between his lips and looked innocently at the older. Mingyu smirked and sat closer to Wonwoo.

  The younger bit the opposite end of the pepero and they started moving their faces closer and closer, until Wonwoo pulled away and started laughing.

  "This is so fun, I'm glad you're my best friend Gyu." Wonwoo said and smiled.

  "Yeah... Best frined..." Mingyu repeated and laughed.

  The younger boy got back to his bed and closed his eyes, followed by Minghao and Wonwoo.

  Meanwhile, the boys in the other room were discussing what happened.

  "Check the local records." Woozi yelled over the two older boys that had been arguing for ages now.

  "We're idiots..." Jeonghan said upon realizing that what they had to do was that simple.

  "Right, but where do we find them?" Seungcheol asked Jihoon.

  "The library probably." the small boy answered and the rest of them nodded.

  Back in Seoul the other boys, excluding Joshua that didn't agree with the others, went to visit the CEO, to suggest therapy.

  "Come in boys." their superior ordered after hearing the knocks on his door.

  The remainings of Seventeen bowed and greeted the CEO.

  "How can I help you?" the man asked.

  "Well, recently Wonwoo hyung hasn't been so well. He has had hallucinations and he doesn't look healthy, we thought it would be best if you got him a therapist." Seungkwan explained.

  The CEO frowned.

  "What are these "hallucinations" you're speaking of?" he asked.

  Seungkwan told his superior everything his hyungs had told him, while the CEO nodded along everything he said.

  "I understand boys... This is very common for bands who are new to the spotlight. I will have a therapist come to your dorm when he arrives, please do inform me of his arrival." the CEO told the six.

  The boys bowed once again and left, heading towards the dorm.


This is just a little filler to take a break from the drama

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