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The next session came quickly, as the boys decided to take turns monitorizating Wonwoo to make sure the shadow didn't appear while he slept. Of course, it wasn't enough. It showed up in very rare occasions, when Wonwoo was alone, but it wasn't as bad.

Wonwoo sat nervously in his bed.

"Don't worry Wonwoo, Cheol's phone is recording over there. Anything she might do to you will be recorded." Jeonghan told Wonwoo and the younger instantly calmed down.

Not long after the woman came in. Jeonghan shot her a glare before leaving.

Yongmin made sure to lock the door, so she wasn't disturbed, but the other boys were in the other side, ready to come in whenever.

"So, I assume everything has been okay?" she asks.

Wonwoo nods.

"Y-yes. M-my bandmates have been helping me a lot." Wonwoo aswered nervously.

"Well then, I think we can move onto where we stopped last week."

Upon saying this, the therapist sat once more on the boys lap. She took no time connecting their lips, and soon Wonwoo found her hands roaming inside his shirt.

Wonwoo tried pulling away, but Yongmin removed one of the hands from his torso to his head, to make sure it wouldn't move.

The woman pushed him down on the bed, taking his shirt off quickly.

"No! Stop! Get off me!" Wonwoo yelled, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Don't pretend you don't like it." the therapist whispered in his ear, starting to grind on Wonwoo's hips.

After hearing Wonwoo's screams, Seungcheol tried to open the door.

"It's locked!" he told the rest of the band.

Mingyu, who was standing in the back, pushed through the boys and kicked the door in. He was obviously furious, as he ran over to the bed Wonwoo and the therapist were in. Mingyu grabbed the therapist's waist and threw her across the room.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing you freak!?" Mingyu yelled, with
his fists balled up, while looking down at the woman on the floor.

"He came onto me!" Yongmin lied, innocently.

"Don't play innocent you bitch!" Mingyu yelled, about to slap her, but his hand stopped, mid-air.

He looked to his side to find Seungcheol holing his hand, shaking his head no.

"I think it's finally time for you to leave." Jeonghan said, shooting a
salty smile.

"You better get out of my way. If I want him, I will have him." she said standing up, wearing a smirk on her face.

"No, you better get out of our way." Seungcheol said, mimicking her,

"If I ever see you close to any of us, I will destroy your life." Mingyu threatened, pointing his middle finger at her.

Gathering her stuff, the woman started walking towards the door.

"You're going to regret this." was the last thing the woman said, while wearing a smirk on her face.

She left and everyone sighed.

Mingyu rushed to Wonwoo. He hugged the boy tightly.

"I'm so sorry Wonwoo. I'm so sorry that happened." Mingyu apologized as
Wonwoo cried into the boy's shoulder.

"I-it wasn't your fault hyung, it's okay." Wonwoo said wrapping his arms
around Mingyu.

"Well Wonwoo this phone has everything, we'll take it to the CEO and show it so he can do something about it." Seungcheol told Wonwoo and left the house with Jeonghan, Woozi and Soonyoung.

Lonely Paranoia // j.wWhere stories live. Discover now