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  "We go see his father." Joshua says.

  "Are you insane!? Wonwoo is from Changwon that is literally in the other side of the country!" Mingyu told Jisoo.

  "Well then we snatch his phone and get his dad's number." Joshua suggested and Mingyu agreed.

  Unfortunately for them Wonwoo wasn't even thinking about falling asleep, so Joshua had Mingyu talk to Wonwoo for a bit while he took Mr. Jeon's number. When the Jisoo was done he signaled the younger boy and he came running in his bedroom.

  Joshua dialed the number on his phone and it rung a couple times before someone on the other line picked up.

  "Hello?" The voice asked.

  "Hello Mr. Jeon, I'm one of Wonwoo's friend, I have a question that is really important for Wonwoo." Joshua spoke.

  "Well, go ahead." The man gave them permission and Mingyu and Jisoo exchanged looks.

  "Do you, perhaps, know a woman called Jinchae?" Joshua asked confidently.

  "Why don't you just mind your own business kids?" Mr. Jeon bitterely answered and hung up the phone.

  "What a weird reaction... I think we should get Wonwoo to talk to his dad." Mingyu pointed out and Joshua nodded.

  "Why should I talk to my dad?" Wonwoo asked.

  The boy was standing by the door, with huge bags under his eyes.

  "W-well you see Wonwoo hyung, we talked to your dad and asked if he knew a woman called Jinchae, and he acted rather weird... We think that if you talked to him he might-" Mingyu was cut off by Wonwoo.

  "Why do you think my dad has anything to do with this!? Guys forget it my dad has no business with this woman." Wonwoo said, rather angry.

  "Then why did Seungcheol hyung tell us the shadow thing whispered to you your dad's name?" Joshua asked and Wonwoo froze.

  "Her next victim! It has to be!" Wonwoo said, nearly yelling.

  Mingyu and Joshua exchanged looks. Neither of them thought it was the case, but if that was what it took for Wonwoo to talk to his dad the boys would pretend to go along with Wonwoo's idea.

  The next day Wonwoo asked the CEO for a week without practices, and since the band had been working hard throughout the comeback he allowed him and the rest of the band to have a break form their responsabilities.

  Wonwoo hurriedly stuffed clothes on a bag and left the dorm, followed by Mingyu, Joshua, Jihoon, Seungcheol and Minghao.

  Wonwoo looked anxious during the whole ride, worrid that his dad might be in danger, but Minghao and Mingyu would occasionaly hold his hand or tell him his dad was fine.

  After 3 hours they arrived in Changwon, where they took the taxi to Wonwoo's house. Upon reaching their destination, Wonwoo shot out of the car and ran to the door, on which he knocked violently. He was greeted by his surprised mom, which Wonwoo shoved aside so he could get in the house and started frenetically looking for his dad. It didn't take him long to find Mr. Jeon sitting in the kitchen reading the paper.

  "Dad!" Wonwoo exclaimed and ran up to him.

  The man stood up and greeted his son with a hug.

  "Son, what brings you here in this time of the year?" Mr. Jeon asked.

  "I needed to see if you were safe!" Wonwoo told him, and as those words left his mouth, his mom and his friends came in the kitchen.

  "Why wouldn't your dad be safe honey?" Mrs. Jeon chuckled hugging her son.

  "The shadow said your name! So I thought it was coming for you..." Wonwoo said, now a little embarassed.

  "Shadow? Son, are you alright? What shadow is this that you're talking about?" Mr. Jeon asked.

  "Jinchae! She visits me every night and a couple days ago she said your name!" Wonwoo exclaimed looking at his dad with the most innocently.

  Upon hearing this name the man's expression transformed form a light frown to a blank expression, followed by a mad one.

  "You are definately not alright. You kids need to leave this house and take my son to a therapist." Mr. Jeon said.

  "But Mr. Jeon-" Seungcheol wasn't able to finish his sentence, as Wonwoo's dad cut him off.

  "Now!" The man yelled pointing towards the door.

  The boys quietly and quickly grabbed their bags and left, heading towards the hotel.

  "See hyung? I told you he acted weird when we mentioned the shadow thing!"

  Joshua whispered to Seungcheol as he looked at Mingyu, that had his arm over Wonwoo's shoulders trying to comfort him, alongside Minghao.

  "He did act weird... Well, let's just look into it while Wonwoo goes to the therapist. Now we just have to go and try to find a good therapist for him."

  S.Coups told Joshua and the latter pulled the older boy by his sleeve.

  "Are you serious? You still want to send him to a therapist?" Joshua asked.

  "We can't be too careful... I just want to prevent the band from scandals and all that, if Wonwoo does have a psychological problem a therapist will most probably fix it."

Lonely Paranoia // j.wWhere stories live. Discover now