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    It took the boys a while to get to the bridge where the body was.

   Once they arrived the boy's jaws dropped. The river was huge, how could they ever find the body.

   "Okay just... Tell us in which part you dumped the body." The8 told the woman.

   "T-the middle. It's the deepest part." Wonwoo's mom answered.

   "Of course." Jihoon commented, holding the bridge of his nose between his thumb and his index finger.

    The boys took their shoes off and Joshua, Seungcheol and Junhui took some goggles from the backpack and underwater flashlights.
    Once they were all set they dove in and looked for the body.

    Of course, they couldn't find it. The river was far to deep and they were getting tired, so they gave the other boys the materials and Minghao, Jihoon and Joshua tried their luck.

    Jihoon had quit since he was exhausted from swimming and Joshua wasn't used to moving this much, so he also quit. But Minghao was extremely focused im finding The woman's corpse, so much so that after an hour of swimming alone two bodies came to the surface.

    "He found her!" Seungcheol yelled, and Jun immediately jumped in the water to help him.

   Junhui brought the body back to where the car was.

   "We can't burn it here, people will see the smoke and the remainings will stay here." Jihoon said and they all agreed.

   Seungcheol put the body in the trunk quickly, as the sun was almost about to rise and they drove far away from the houses.

   Joshua could see the man was devastated and the woman was disappointed, even sad perhaps. Not at the fact that they had found out she killed someone, but because her husband was so shaken up about Jinchae being dead.

    "Was it really worth it?" Joshua asked.

   All the heads turned to the driver, none of them understanding the question.

   "Killing that woman... Was it worth it Mrs. Jeon?" Joshua asked.

   "W-what? Why are you asking that?" She questioned, confused.

   "It must be hard seeing your husband so devastated and sad over the death of the ex you tried so hard to take away from his head. He never really got over her, did he?" Joshua asked once again and tears started streaming down the woman's face while she shook her head no.

   "That's what I thought..." Joshua commented, never taking  his eyes of of the street in front of him.

   There was silence for a couple of minutes, then Seungcheol thought this was the perfect time to update Mingyu, so he dialed the number and called the boy.

   "Hyung? Did you find anything? What happened!?" Mingyu asked upon answering the phone call.

   "The mom did it. She told us where the body was and it took us hours to find it, but it's in our possession now. We're headed towards somewhere far to burn it. How's Wonwoo?" Seungcheol explained.

   "The mom!? Wow, that's... shocking. Wonwoo isn't doing so well. They put him in a special room because he was freaking out about the woman again. Please hurry hyung." Mingyu begged through the phone.

   "We will Mingyu, don't worry."


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