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   The boys were sleeping quietly in their respective bedrooms until the six phones received a notification.

   "It's probably the group chat... Check it Jihoon." Jeonghan mumbled.

  "What!? Why me!?" Jihoon mumble-screamed.

   "You're the youngest, now check." S.Coups ordered.

   Jihoon groaned and reached for his phone. He read the messages quickly so he could go back to sleep, but upon realizing what had been sent his eyes widened and he sat up on his bed quickly.

   "Hyungs!" Woozi yelled stading up and shaking them violently.

   "Jihoon! What are you doing!?" Jeonghan yelled.

   "Check the chat!" the younger yelled, and upon seeing his distress the hyungs grabbed their phones and opened the chat.

   There was a picture of Wonwoo and his bloody hand, followed by "Korean Idol Jeon Wonwoo, from the rookie band Seventeen was found leaving  a cafe with a bloody hand. The boy was heard screaming "She's following me." as he left the building.".

   Underneath the news there were several messages from the members saying "what the Hell happened" and "is Wonwoo alright?".

   "Oh my God... How are we going to explain this." just as Seungcheol finished saying this he received a call from his CEO.

   "Care to explain why there are news with a delusional Wonwoo featuring them?" the man asked.

   "Well sir, it's actually a long story... He sees a-" Seungcheol started explaining but he was cut off.

   "I know about his hallucinations, I want to know what happened at the cafe." the CEO said.

"How do you- doesn't matter. Well he went to the bathroom by himself and he saw her, he got frightened and punched the mirror." Seungcheol explained and the man hummed along.

"Well, I'll make up an excuse and release it online to cover it up. Carats don't need to know about Wonwoo's condition. Tell the other members that you are going to apologize for all the confusion and commotion, because what happened was supposed to be a prank that went wrong." the CEO said and hung up.

Seungcheol sighed and plopped down on his bed.

"I am... so stressed." he let out.

Seungcheol felt comfortable letting his feelings out near these two, because he was the closest to Jeonghan and he and Jihoon knew each other the longest, out of everyone else.

"What did the CEO say?" Jihoon asked sitting on S.Coups' bed.

"He made up an excuse... That incident happened because a prank went wrong." Seungcheol explained picking up his phone.

He typed what had really happened and what the CEO was going to use as an excuse, and then sent it to the group chat.

All the boys seemed worried about Wonwoo.

"I think staying here is doing us no good and everyone is starting to get worried about Wonwoo... What do you think of going back tomorrow?" Jeonghan asked, earning a nod of approval from the other two boys.

"Alright, Coups change our train tickets to tomorrow and Jihoon go tell the other boys to start packing up." Jeonghan bossed around.

"And what will you do!?" Jihoon asked upon hearing the chores Jeonghan had given them.

"I'm going back to sleep." Jeonghan declared happily, earning a couple pillows to the face, thrown by Jihoon and Seungcheol.

Jihoon then stood up and walked to the other boys' bedroom. After a couple knocks the door opened revealing Mingyu.

"Oh! Hyung! Come in!" Mingyu said shooting a smile.

"Does this kid ever stop smiling?" Jihoon asked himself as he got in the bedroom.

"Jeonghan made me come here to tell you guys to pack up. We're leaving tomorrow because of the article and because everyone else is worried..." Jihoon told them, assuming they had seen the group chat.

They all nodded and Jihoon sat closer to Wonwoo.

"How are you feeling hyung?" Woozi asked looking up at the boy beside him.

"Better now, thank you Jihoonie." Wonwoo thanked, ruffling the boy's hair.

"I'm glad." Jihoon said and smiled.

Lonely Paranoia // j.wWhere stories live. Discover now