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    "Wonwoo!" Mingyu yelled upon laying eyes on his best friend.

   The boy, that was sitting on the ground, unhappily looking at the white wall, lifted his gaze, and widened his eyes upon seeing the tall boy running towards him. 

    Wonwoo instantly stood up and ran towards Mingyu. He smiled as he buried his face in the crook of the younger's neck.

   "I missed you so much hyung... How are you holding up?" Mingyu asked, tearing up, while petting the older's head.

   "Well it's definately not heart warming to be stuck with a bunch of nutjobs. I miss you guys... How are you all?" Wonwoo asked looking up at the older.

   "Not good... Some of the boys left for Changwon to try and fix things, but they didn't want the younger ones to worry, except they're all worried. Jeonghan stayed back and is trying to calm them down but it's hard since they don't know what to expect." Mingyu explained and Wonwoo just nodded with a sad expression.

   "Have you been seeing her?" Mingyu asked.

   "Once... I saw her once when I was alone, but I try to always have a guard or a nurse with me... It's hard though... They look at me in pity, even though I'm not a nutter." Wonwoo said and frowned.

   Mingyu just chuckled and smiled.

   "Wait, you said some of the boys went to Changwon to try and fix things? What do you mean? What ar ethey going to do?" Wonwoo asked, worriedly.

    "That's not something you should worry about hyung. Tryst them, okay?" Mingyu said and Wonwoo just nodded.

   "Fine..." Wonwoo whispered in defeat and Mingy smiled. 

   A guard came in and looked at the boys. They hadn't let go of the hug since Mingyu got here, so he was just staring at them with a disgusted look, that faded away when he saw the look Mingyu was giving him.

   "Visit time is over." The guard announced.

   "I'll be back when I can hyung." Mingyu told Wonwoo and smiled.

   "I'll be waiting for you, Gyu." Wonwoo said and smiled, waving goodbye at his bandmate.

   Wonwoo sat back again, with his back leaning against the wall.

  He hated being there, he hated being treated like he was severely sick, when in reality he just refused to be raped. Whenever someone came in it was like they were throwing him a pity party. They didn't actually say "poor boy" or anything like that, it was worse. It was the looks they gave him. A young, handsome boy that had his whole future ahead of him as a k-pop star was stuck in that building. He hated every part about it. But now visitors had been allowed, and he was happier. He was even happier when he saw Mingyu burst in the door.

    "How long will this last?" Wonwoo asked himself.

     Night time came quickly and the nurse came in with a tray.

    "Here's your dinner Wonwoo." She said, placing the tray on a small table. 

    "It smells like feet." Wonwoo complained.

   The woman chuckled and left the room.

   "I might as well eat this..." Wonwoo whispered to himself as he approached the table.

   The boy sat down and started to eat.

   "Aw it also tastes like feet oh my God." Wonwoo complained, frowining.

   He stood up and turned around, ready to lay on his bed. He was looking down as he walked, but, upon reaching the bed he looked up, and saw Jinchae.

   Wonwoo's eyes widened and he stumbled back, causing him to trip on his foot and fall on his butt.

   "You look beautiful..." She whispered, walking closer to him.

   Wonwoo screamed as loud as he could and two guards instantly barged in. TThe boy's breathing was uneven and he was staring at the wall, looking terrified. One of the guards approached him and gave him a shot in the arm, that made him pass out immediately. With the help of the other guard they moved him to the bed and left.

   "Fucking nutter..." One of the guards commented before leaving.

  On the outside Wonwoo looked just fine, but in his head he was being tortured. As his eyes closed he fell in a deep sleep, accompanied by a nightmare. His body was being held down by cold hands, all like Jinchae's. The wrinkled fingers covered his face, all but his eyes, so he could see the teeth-filled mouth, open so wide that the jaw looked dislocated, coming towards him. He was screaming, but no sounds were coming out. He tried kicking the woman away, but he was held steady, and, suddenly, everything went black.

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