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IT WAS ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL DAY IN AURADON. My best friend and I, as usual, were spending our free time in the beautiful gardens of Auradon Prep.

"Ally toss me that apple." I motioned towards the fallen fruit beneath a nearby tree. The sun was slowly setting over Auradon, which was now home to Mal — the infamous daughter of Maleficent.

    My family wasn't too fond of Prince Ben's decision to date Mal. They said she's rotten to the core, and a poor fit to rule over Auradon. There were times where even my own parents suggested that I make myself known amongst the kingdom in case Ben and Mal ever break up.

Because of my parents I have always tried to be on my best behavior... with a few exceptions of course. Truly, I'd never felt more relieved than to find out he overlooks anyone who doesn't sport purple hair, and who doesn't own a spell book or two. And of course, anyone who isn't evil.

     I had no desire to date Prince Ben, even if that was what my parents wanted.

    Mal was different than any other girl in the kingdom. Besides the fact that she's from the Isle of the Lost, she was a mystery. Nobody really knew what to expect from her — her dark past and skeletons in the closet intrigued Prince Ben, who prior to meeting her only ever conversed with properly behaved princesses.

    It's very important, or so I've been told, to walk with your head high — but not too high, or else your nose will bleed. Always curtsy before each and every royal family, and before every teacher, too. Don't forget your 'pleases' and 'thank yous', and always eat with the correct silverware.

     I almost forgot my least favorite rule: when wearing a dress, sit with your legs crossed at all times.

    Ridiculous right? Maybe it's my mother's rebellious side that makes these rules seem so appalling to me. Or maybe it's the fact that they're completely unnecessary.

"Erina, I'm bored." Ally whined, teleporting from where she sat — on top a sturdy picnic bench — to beneath the tree where the apple had landed. She picked it up, and contemplated her next move. She prepared to fire it in my direction, winding her arm up like a baseball pitcher. I caught it without flinching, and didn't hesitate to take a bite afterwards.

     "You didn't poison me, did you?" I grinned, watching as Ally joined me by my side. Through thick and thin, I always had my best friend to count on. We were both outsiders, never fully conforming to Auradon's expectations. We seemed to be cut from the same cloth, despite the fact that I was of royal lineage and she was not.

"No!" She giggled, twirling silky strands of golden hair around her fingers. "I would never ever." She pouted with a suggestive hint of mischief.

"Oh alright." I played along, "You should be careful using your magic on campus. You're lucky no one saw you teleport just now. Can you imagine what would happen if the entire kingdom used their powers? It would be... madness." I sighed, leaning back on the palm of my hand. "I'm just looking out for you."

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