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     HE WAS MYSTERIOUSLY BEWITCHING with a dark sense of humor that appealed to all of my senses. I often found myself clinging onto every word he said as if it were his last. Anything he asked of me I immediately agreed with. I had a feeling that he'd caused the burning sensation in my neck, but I couldn't bring myself to ask him about it.

     He told me not to worry about it and since then it's been the furthest thing from my mind besides Harry Hook. What's going on inside my head?

     "How about we go somewhere you've never been before, guaranteed?" Haden offered, linking his arm with mine and squeezing it against his body. "It's a nightclub. There's drinks, food, and lots of people you'd like. I'd love to show you a good time on the Isle before you have to go."

I was too oblivious; too caught up in the moment to realize the potential trouble I would be getting into. Harry and Mr. Hook would be expecting me any minute now, and if Harry meant what he said, there would be an army of pirates looking for me. I didn't want to be found, and I knew that Haden wouldn't let them take me.

We made our way towards a different part of the city — one Harry never showed me or mentioned. After passing by an array of exotic buildings, I followed him into the nightclub. Upon entering I was blinded by lights and thick clouds of fog; deafened by unusual music that lured guests in like a siren's voice.

I seemed to be of greater importance to him than any of the other guests, seeing as he ignored anyone else who tried talking to him. Hand in hand, we ventured further into the club. It was obvious that Haden had been here before, because he knew exactly where we were going.

The club was an entire new world. Everyone was so grown up and looked so expensive but I didn't understand how. Anytime someone elbowed me or backed into me, Haden would take them by the arm and brand a fiery handprint into their skin as a warning, even if what they did was on accident.

The music was so loud my ears began to ache. If I tried speaking up he wouldn't even hear me, so I tried shaking it off. In Auradon I was never exposed to this type of atmosphere. I loved it.

Blue neon lights lined the walls amongst other forms of villainous decor. I was at home, despite how new this all was. Deep inside my heart I felt like this was wrong. My brain was telling me otherwise.

Haden found the bar and motioned for me to take a seat; he did so too, and rested his elbows on the illuminated counter as began to order for us. His eyes flickered to their fiery beauty, intimidating the bartender who'd refused to serve him at first. Something sparked within the bartender's eyes. It was as if Haden had some sort of control over him.

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