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• The Grand Finale
[ Author's note at the end - very important! ]

• The Grand Finale •[ Author's note at the end - very important! ]

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" You either die a hero
or live long enough to become
the villain. "

- Aaron Eckhart
♚ ♚ ♚ ♚

THE WEDDING HAD OFFICIALLY BEEN CRASHED. Everyone fled from the church ruins just before a wave of flames were cast from Haden's fingertips, stretching across the entire lot. I had managed to free myself him his grasp, perhaps he allowed me to do so, as I ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction. The train of my dress caught on bushes and jagged pieces of concrete which slowed me down, yet Haden was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing as I was alone, I stopped running and briefly looked over my shoulder towards the chaos.

Before I could continue running again, a pair of cold hands grasped my shoulders and stopped me in my tracks. It was Uma.

"C'mon princess! You don't deserve this." She glared over her shoulder at the church of Hades on fire. Haden's screams roared throughout the Isle, sending chills down my arms. With a jolt, I nodded frantically and followed my pirate rescuer.

Uma's jane clamped onto my wrist as we ran across the street, dodging cars and brave city dwellers who'd stepped outside their homes to see what was going on. With nowhere else to go, we found ourselves in the woods, alone.

"Harry! Where's Harry? One moment I saw him, then the next he disappeared in the crowd." I panted, feeling lightheaded. We slowed to a jog, staying agile on our feet.

Uma huffed, "He'll be fine, I promise. He's taking care of-"

"UMMMMMAAAAAAAAA!" A frantic Harry screeched, running towards them into the woods with Haden hot on his heels. I wanted to laugh at how goofy he looked, but now it was us against Haden. Or so I thought.

"Uma why are we in the woods?" I muttered as Harry caught up to us. "Harry!" I smiled, starting to trot towards him when he shook his head, and shooed me back in the other direction toward Uma.

"Thank me later." He spoke breathlessly and the three of us continued to run away from the scene.

     "Uma." I growled. "Why are we here?!"

     She didn't reply.

     "Are you trying to kill us?" I snapped and sat after to run towards the city, stopping as the woods began to heat up from Haden's presence. I felt my neck begin to drip with sweat. As Haden grew closer, and I saw a familiar look in his fiery eyes, I couldn't help but gasp from the sudden pain that shot from my neck down my spine, almost immobilizing me.

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