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" Hell is empty, and all the devils are here

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" Hell is empty, and all the devils are here. "
- William Shakespeare
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I COULDN'T SHAKE THE SOUND OF HADEN'S MERCILESS LAUGHTER. There is nothing creepier to me than a person showing emotions that don't match their current situation. He was always happy when people were in pain or being taken to the fiery depths below. He was unable to feel remorseful when others were in pain. Deep down inside, Haden felt a great pleasure in watching so many lives be whisked away.

His wild, fiery eyes glanced around from beneath his un-brushed, jet black hair. He spoke with a brazen, yet intimidating voice; booming without hesitation regardless of what he was saying or who he was talking to. His presence alone could disrupt a person's state of comfort. It was as if he was able to absorb the light from within people and twist it to his liking.

For a while, I thought Haden could fully redeem himself like Harry did. However, to say he was too far gone now wouldn't be fair unless I saw it for myself.

    Smoke thickened the air, and ashes rained down upon us from burning buildings and trees. Nearby civilians fled elsewhere and managed to avoid joining the fight.

The villains of the Isle didn't just fear a person, but fear itself.

     The fear instilled by Haden was worse than anything they'd experienced before. Not only was he powerful, but he had the ability to transport his victims to another realm — one filled with restless souls and an eternity of loneliness. Prior to Haden's uprising, he remained under the radar waiting for the right time to strike. Nobody saw it coming, not even the baddest of the bad.

Before Haden became public enemy #1, the Isle primarily feared the Evil Queen, Jafar, Cruella de Vil, and Maleficent. It was hard to imagine that someone could be scarier than the four of them combined, but there he was in the flesh. He's more powerful than Hades himself, and possibly stronger than all of Auradon combined.

     He's a devilishly handsome demigod with a wicked charm; my fiancé, Haden.

     Can I even call him that?

I've never known of a greater foe; one who had no morals, no alliances or loyalty to those unlike himself. Haden didn't care whether you were good or bad; to him there was his side and the enemy side. If you weren't him or his father, you were an enemy until proven worthy enough, and therefore on the opposing side.

Because of Haden, both islands were slowly coming together in an attempt to defeat him. Without Haden, I'm not sure where Uma and I would stand. Our feud was put on hold until after Haden was taken care of. I had no doubt that we'd go back to hating each other, and I was okay with that. I just needed everyone to come back and be alright. Uma can hate me all she wants, but she can't do that unless she's alive.

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