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"He's gotta have a weakness, because everybody's got a weakness

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"He's gotta have a weakness, because everybody's got a weakness." - Hades
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"HEllO HARRY." A DARK HAIRED BOY greeted as if he'd been expecting us. As he stepped out from the dark and into the moonlight I noticed he had a striking symbol tattooed on his neck. I've never known somebody with a tattoo before. His eyes were still a vivid blue, but not as bright as his iridescent glow had been.

"I know you." I growled, feeling defensive for all the times I'd second guessed myself. I knew I hadn't gone crazy every time I saw blue flames where orange one should be.

Both of the boys ignored me, however Haden arrogantly smirked in my direction.

"Haden." Harry cleared his throat and greeted him with a forced kindness. It was almost as if he was nervous to be in Haden's presence. There was something different about this guy; something off.

"It's nice to see yeh again." Harry chuckled charmingly, almost in a way to distract Haden.

"Yeah, it sure has been a while." Haden shoved his hands in the front pockets of his jeans and casually came closer. He looked me up and down like prey.

    I could see Harry's hand trembling at his side, so I clutched it in mine. His palm was sweaty, and I could feel the tension between him and Haden.

     As Haden approached me, his military-styled boots crunched small pebbles against the pavement. I quickly let go of Harry's hand out of fear that I would need it to defend myself.

     "How do you know me, exactly? I'm sure Harry would like to know." A terrifying grin stretched from ear to ear on Haden's face. He forcefully invaded my personal space without warning. I could feel heat and energy radiating off of him. It was as if his body was a self generating source of warmth, but I didn't understand how.

     His pale skin seemed to glow and sparkle, like that of a vampire. The moon illuminated his facial features, allowing me to examine his face better. Haden had thick, dark eyebrows which sternly sat above a pair of inhumanly blue eyes. I thought Harry's eyes were the prettiest I'd ever seen but I was wrong.

     When I met his gaze, I felt drawn into his eyes. Their icy blueness gave me a feeling of falling into a lake of frozen emotions. Except that lake was made of fire. It was like all the shades of blue had swirled together to form a whirlpool of apprehension.

     I could tell by his body language and suave attitude that he wasn't afraid of me. He had no reason to be. After all, I wasn't the one with glowing eyes.

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