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    ALTHOUGH I HAD TWO CHOICES — jump through the window or make a run for it down the hall, I was able to find a third option

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jump through the window or make a run for it down the hall, I was able to find a third option. A medium sized closet lined the wall next to the door, and I didn't hesitate to climb inside. Boxes and old clothes filled up most of the space but I was able to make it work. I pulled heavy, dusty coats over me, hoping this would be enough to fool Uma.

There's a few reasons why I didn't just jump. It wasn't a matter of drowning or being lost at sea. It's because I'm a slow swimmer. By the time I'd reach the dock, there would be familiar faces waiting for me. I could imagine them reeling me up and locking me away for good. I couldn't swim straight from the Isle to Auradon because I'd tire too quickly. I wonder if the barrier exists underwater...

The hallway idea was just as bad. I could very easily step out of my room, and have both Uma and Harry on either side of me. If I were to do this, I'd have to wait until I know Uma is gone.

I have to wonder, though, who left the key on the door. Whoever left it for me had planned my arrival, therefore would know exactly where I was if they saw that the key is gone.

Uma's footsteps grew louder, so she must have been right outside of my door.

"Erina, don't hide. I know you're in there shaking like a scared child. I have something for you." Uma then entered the room, something metal dangling in her hand. I wondered what could make such a noise. Then, I remembered the beneath my foot. Was Uma the one who left the key? Was this a trap? I had to assume she was dancing a ring of keys — ones that could all unlock this room.

"I have a beautiful accessory that would match your outfit. Come try it on." Uma walked into the center of the room, looking beneath and around the bed.

An accessory? Keys aren't accessories.

"I can sense your fear. You're wishing you'd jumped off the boat when you had the chance!" Uma threw open the closet door, letting it slam into the wall. I thought I was completely camouflaged until her hand grasped my arm, retrieving me from the dark abyss.

   Struggling to free myself of her grasp, Uma threw me onto the bed, holding a heavy set of handcuffs above my head. "Aren't these just gorgeous?" She smiled maniacally. I began to flail around the bed, kicking out and holding her of of me. "Hold still-" she barked, but I rolled out from beneath her just in time to dodge the handcuffs.

"No!" I roared, startling Uma for a brief moment.
"Stay away from me."

   "Or what?" Uma challenger. "You're my prisoner! You'll be thrown in the cellar with the rest of our victims. You have no value to anyone but us right now. I saw your ropes scattered on the floor. You practically led me right to yeh." Uma revealed a small sword hidden beneath her coat, and slowly withdrew it.

   Uma backed me into a corner, swinging her sword above my head. I ducked, causing the blade of the sword to stick into the wall. Struggling to remove it, I shoved her against the opposite wall.

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