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     I WATCHED THROUGH TINTED WINDOWS  as golden rings began to take form, arching over the road to Auradon

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     I WATCHED THROUGH TINTED WINDOWS as golden rings began to take form, arching over the road to Auradon. With my elbow rested upon the door, and my chin pressed into my palm, I could feel my arm fall asleep. Likewise, I began to nod off, only to be startled awake by our limousine becoming airborne. It was as if we hit something, or rather, something hit us. The limousine fell downwards with a thud, causing us to hit our heads on the roof.

     "What was that? Did you hit somebody?" Evie shrieked, and I craned my body around to look out the back window. Carlos looked over my shoulder and shook his head. Nothing.

"That was weird." Carlos looked around cautiously. "Maybe we popped a tire." He suggested, but I knew that wasn't the case.

     Narrowing my eyes, I watched as the furthest rings behind us quite literally fell into the ocean. It was as if they'd been deflated, or untied. Each ring created waves with their descent, and sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

     That isn't right. My mind is playing tricks on me.

     It was as if the remaining rings had suddenly been set on fire. Instead of a soft, golden glow, the rings were a brilliant blue. The flames grew taller and taller, until the rings burned to ashes. "Guys." I warned, only to be ignored by the three VKs discussing how to save Mal.

     As if following a trail of gasoline, a line of blue flames appeared on the road behind our vehicle. I could practically feel the heat of the flames beneath my feat. I could smell burning rubber, and assumed our tires were on fire.

"Do you guys smell that?" I panicked, unbuckling my seatbelt and standing up to move. Everyone shook their heads, and I pointed out the rear window. To my shock, the bridge was on fire behind us. "Jay, drive faster." I warner, feeling my pulse increase.

Carlos grabbed my hand, and stood up next to me. "Erina, what's going on? Are you feeling okay?" His thick brows furrowed with worry. He could see how startled I was, but it was clear he couldn't see what I saw. I shook my head, feeling my throat tighten.

Jay didn't speed up the car, however, we were almost home. Carlos took a seat next to me, as I dashed toward the window. Pressing my palms against the glass, I watched in horror as the bridge turned to ashes.

"The bridge is on fire! It's literally turning to ash and falling into the w—" My babbling was interrupted by Jay, who spoke from the driver's seat, "There's no flames. Guys, I think she hit her head on some coral or something. She needs to see a doctor."

Carlos and Evie agreed, and Evie moved to sit next to Carlos and I. She spoke gently and placed her hand on my knee, "Erina, the bridge is fine. We don't smell anything unusual, and we most definitely aren't on fire. Look." Evie pointed towards the bridge behind us. To my astonishment, the bridge was perfectly fine and intact.

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