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• The semi finale •

"It's rather easy to shine in the light but to glow in the dark

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"It's rather easy to shine in the light
but to glow in the dark... that's mastery..! "

   -Rick Beneteau
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     In less than an hour, I would be Haden's wife. However, I would be so much more than just a married woman. I would be his queen; his possession. When the ring is slipped onto my finger, and after our vows are recited, it was likely there was no going back. I knew bits and pieces of the day's events. The main thing I knew was that we would be married in the ruins of an ancient church, one likely built in Hades' honor. 

     A while later Haden stopped by my room, daring to step inside although he knew I wanted nothing more than to slap him across his perfectly chiseled face.  

     After all I've been through; all I've done to achieve the life I've always wanted, my actions came back to haunt me. I abandoned my only friend and loving family just to end up like this. I left my peaceful island only to be captured and forced into marrying a villainous demigod. My presence here since the start has disturbed the balance of the Isle. Because of my actions, people lost their homes to Haden's fire. Harry, Uma, and the crew were severely mistreated, and Felix was undeservingly whisked away to the Underworld. 

     All because of me. 

     During his brief visit, his loyal servants rolled in a tray of food. There was a wide variety of exotic, potent looking fruits and other peculiar treats. I hesitated, recalling the lotus flowers he'd lured me into trying. Though he insisted he couldn't have a hungry bride at the altar, I informed him that I'd rather starve.

     Before he left and after seeing I wouldn't take a bite, Haden revealed to me my wedding gown. I hated to admit how stunning it was. When I tried it on I felt as if I were already a queen; his queen, as gross as the title sounded. He wanted me to stay true to my roots, and by wearing this goddess-like, sea inspired dress, it would serve as a reminder to our guests that the two of us together would rule both on land and water. If I wasn't mistaking, it would make us the most powerful couple in the Isle of the Lost, if not the entire world.

 If I wasn't mistaking, it would make us the most powerful couple in the Isle of the Lost, if not the entire world

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