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"I GUESS YOU'LL HAVE TO STAY WITH US FOR TONIGHT. Jay won't be back for yeh anytime soon." Uma yelled from beyond the kitchen, quickly joining us once more. "Let's go, Harry. Take her to the ship." She began to walk past us, only to stop dead in her tracks after realizing that I wasn't tied up anymore.

   "Harry. She's free." Uma alerted her first mate. "Tie her up or she'll run away." Uma eyes were wide with urgency, as she threw her hands in the air. Harry remained still — as did I — standing with his back to me. He looked down at his worn boots, then at Uma. Silence.

"Harry." I could see anger and embarrassment brewing within Uma; she wasn't used to Harry disobeying her orders, and I could tell it frightened her. "I said.. please tie Erina up. W-why do I have to keep asking you?" Uma spoke softly, her words painfully strained. Her eyes were glossy with tears, a surprising phenomena for not only myself, but Harry.

   Harry pursed lips, conflicted on whether to give in or not. I could see that it wasn't an easy decision for him. It was as if he owed everything to Uma, including his utmost loyalty. After all he was her first mate, sworn to comply to her most outlandish requests.

He smoothed his bewildered hair with his hands, and placed his feathery hat upon his head. Stiffly turning around, he sighed quietly to himself; his eyes were low to the floor.

Why couldn't he just tell her no?

Harry approached me cautiously, receiving a handful of rope from Uma. He took his time, perhaps stalling. He forced himself to look into my eyes, but looked away after a few moments.

"Harry you don't have to listen to her. Do what you feel is right. I-in your heart." Harry looked down upon me; his entire body was tense. His face was unreadable like a statue, and I had no idea what was going on inside his head. "Why do you listen to her-"

"Enough! He isn't goin' to listen to yah. He knows better than to betray me and the entire crew." Uma placed a hand upon Harry's broad shoulder, digging her fingertips into his coat. "Betraying me for an Auradon princess is betraying the entire Isle. He wouldn't do that to his family, would he?"

"I guess not." I spat bitterly, shoving Harry in the chest, not once breaking eye contact. "Let's go."

    I accepted my defeat as anyone in my situation would. There was nothing else I could have said to convince Harry. Uma had too much of an influence on him, and I stood no chance.

He began to wrap the rope several times around my wrists, and then my ankles, his troubled eyes never leaving mine as he did so. Tying the frayed ends, he nodded after the deed was done.

"She's not escapin' anytime soon." He announced to Uma over his shoulder, however directing his full attention to my wrists.

"That's what you think." I muttered with a slight smirk, however they both ignored me. I knew I'd find a way out of this with or without Harry's help. Just because I'm a princess, doesn't mean I can't take care of myself.

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