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     ABRUPTLY WAKING ME FROM MY SLUMBER, a pair of strong hands lifted me away from where I'd crashed

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     ABRUPTLY WAKING ME FROM MY SLUMBER, a pair of strong hands lifted me away from where I'd crashed. Dazed and confused, I rocked back and forth on my heels. "I'm awake.." I mumbled, assuming that Harry was taking me back to his ship.

   "Erina! Hey! We've gotta go!" A familiar voice whispered. The same person began to gently shake my shoulders. "C'mon." The room around us was spinning, and I felt immensely sea sick even though I was on land. My stomach was tied in knots larger than those bonding Harry's ship to the dock. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't see nor recognize who was before me.

    After a few moments, I realized the rope that tied me to the bar now in shreds around my feet; My ankles had also been freed from their rope.

    My returning vision allowed me to see just enough. My stomach began to ease up, as a rush of relief tingled through my body.

"Jay? Jay oh my-" before I could finish, he groaned, picked me up by my legs. He threw me over his shoulder, deciding that we shouldn't waste anymore time in the Isle; there's plenty of time to talk when we return to Auradon. My arms swayed with Jay's long stride, and my fingertips nearly touched the splinter-infested floor. Jay quickened his pace, just making it around the corner before getting caught.

   "Stealing our princess, yeh?" A voice cooed from the near distance, his face hidden beneath the shadows.

    The sound of metal swords being withdrawn from their sheaths sent chills down my bare arms, raising each and every hair. My breathing staggered, as I felt my blood run cold. I found myself wide awake, squirming over Jay's shoulder until he let me down gently, holding onto my arm so I wouldn't fall. By this time, we were surrounded by pirates; all of them holding a variety of weaponry in our direction.

   "Jay what do we do? I don't have a sword." I whispered frantically, moving so that my back pressed against his. This way, we could see enemies coming in both directions.

   "Stay calm, Erina. I've got this." Jay smirked, stretching his arms out in front of him as if preparing to fight.

    "My hero." I teased, lightening the mood for a mere second before another pirate spoke up.

    "Give us the girl. No harm will come to her.." He announced, "tonight." Gil, a rather boyish and youthful pirate, bravely stepped forward into the light. "Deal?"

   "What do you even want with me? I'm hardly of any value to anyone in Auradon, that's why no one's come looking for me! No one noticed that I've been missing, not even my parents or my best friend."

    "I came looking for you." Jay frowned.

    I sighed sharply, "Yes. But you were already here." I spat quickly. "I'm trying to prove a point to the pirates here." I grumbled, and Jay nodded in agreement to my plan.

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