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"YOU KNOW I'M TOUGHER THAN I LOOK." I mumbled, as Harry casually strolled down the center aisle of the restaurant. Curious eyes watched from a distance to see what had just washed up.

    "Say a word, and it's the hook." Harry whispered, yanking me behind him before I could plea for help. The spectators had all returned to their meals, ignoring the fact that I was being held hostage. Before I knew it, Harry had managed to wrestle me to the ground, and tie my ankles and wrists together with another worn rope he'd scavenged off of someone's boat. "If you're to tough, why're yeh tied up?" Harry pouted, evicting someone from their barstool before sliding it over to me; he took a seat.

   "You know.. I'm much stronger than I look, and I can actually prove it, too. How many princes can yeh say're capable of this?" He smirked, hopping down from his broken throne. Harry began circling around me like a lion would do with a carcass. In any situation, his rich accent would be enough to fool any of the other Auradon girls, but I was a little smarter than that. Maybe even stronger.

   "Oh, get over yourself, please. Tell me— what glorious plans do you and your crew have in store for me? Hold me for ransom? Torture me? I think having to be near you is enough torture. But I'm sure you're having a great time." I smiled up at him bitterly.

   "Can't say this is the worst thing I've had to do today." He replied. "Beats moppin' the deck, eh?"

   "I wouldn't know." I replied grimly, flinching when Harry's voice erupted before me.

    "Uma, where are you? We have company!" Harry announced, turning on his heels to view everyone cheer and clank their glasses together. "Royal company, too. She's a princess!" He howled, and received another round of applause and hollering. Harry bowed proudly, extending his hook behind him only inches away from my nose. "She's lookin' for a friend." Harry pouted, continuing the presentation.

He reached back, freeing the rope that bound my wrists and ankles together. Hoisting me to my feet like a rag doll, I was dragged down an aisle between broken tables and chairs. The scent of seafood was potent, and the smells of evil concoctions made my stomach rot. I could taste the grease on my tongue without eating anything.

    Harry led me around from table to table, showing me off as one would do a necklace or bracelet.

   "Hi princess!" A grimy, old pirate greeted, reaching towards my arm. "She'll sell for hundreds!"

"Harry-" My voice wavered, as I felt my feet shuffle backwards in attempt to avoid the pirate's harsh gaze.

   "What?" He asked without a clue.

  "Harry, this is too much. Y-you're making a huge scene over me. I can't take it." Harry shook his head. "Makin' a scene is what we do." His eyes narrowed.

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