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     GREY CLOUDS COVERED THE MORNING SKY, leaving sparse areas of light to shine through

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     GREY CLOUDS COVERED THE MORNING SKY, leaving sparse areas of light to shine through. Though they were mostly light, dark patches suggested that rain was headed our way.

     Harry and I set massive goals for ourselves, one including kidnapping someone of importance such as King Ben, or Mal if she dared to return. We would soon devise a plan to bring him here, and when he arrives, a swarm of angry pirates and crooks would surround him. We would take him aboard our ship, once we get one, and tie him up. The entire Isle would know that we possess the king, and would shower us with respect and admiration for being the cruelest of the cruel.

     Auradon will have to give us whatever we ask for for his release. We didn't necessarily want anything from Auradon, but the leverage was nice in case we did.

     Our plans were ambitious but we wouldn't settle for anything less. It was our time to shine, and as Harry once said, or sail was about to be set.

     After lying in bed for quite some time, the weather began to change. I woke up to the gentle patter of rain on Captain Hook's roof, and a low thunder rumbling in the distance. I kicked my sheets off, immediately feeling the warmth of my slumber slipping away into the morning's frigid air. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat upright, rubbing the morning crust from my eyes. Yes, even princesses get crusty.

     My bare feet pressed into the worn rug sticking out from beneath the bed, and I walked towards the nearest window after stretching some. Harry was still in bed, snoring away like a drunken sailor.

     The windowpane was splattered with light rain drops. The clouds above seemed to swirl like newly stirred coffee. It was quite the sight to wake up to rather than birds chirping and a sunny sky. As of last night the Isle was grossly hot but it seemed to change drastically overnight.

"'Bet yeh never seen rain before?" A raspy, morning-voiced Harry slowly sat up, his t-shirt a disheveled mess from a long night of tossing and turning in his rickety old bed.

"No I have. It rains in Auradon but very lightly.. just enough to keep the flowers hydrated I suppose. In Auradon the sky would always remain blue although there are rain clouds in the air. But here.. it's so..."

"Gloomy? Depressing?"

I nodded as I continued to gaze out the window. I saw as my warm breath created fog on the glass window, which was cold to the touch.

"Yes. Very depressing for sure. And surprisingly cold." I turned around, watching him crawl out from the warmth of his childhood bed. Harry pulled me into a tight good morning hug, and we swayed before the large window.

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