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     CAUTIOUSLY, HARRY AND I MADE OUR WAY across the dock leading to a familiarly eerie ship

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CAUTIOUSLY, HARRY AND I MADE OUR WAY across the dock leading to a familiarly eerie ship. It was easily the largest ship on the Isle, so it was very hard to miss. We didn't knock on the door, nor did we need an invitation. We let ourselves in and crept around, making sure that no one was close enough to catch us. I didn't hear Uma barking orders which was a relief, however it worried me. Uma was never quiet.

On top of that, I didn't hear any crew members scrambling to fulfill her commands. It was as if the entire ship had been abandoned.

"Home sweet home?" I whispered, watching as the lanky pirate cautiously moved ahead of me. Although he lightened his step, the heels of his boots thudded along the wooden floorboards. If anyone was home, they'd had surely heard Harry by now.

"Did not miss it. Let's just get to meh quarters, snag meh items and be on our merry way." Harry's voice was as smooth, and silky like velvet.

He came to a halt outside of his bedroom door, motioning for me to stay behind and keep an eye out. "Wait here." His voice was scratchy and disoriented.

     As I remained in the hallway, Harry frantically searched his room for what he needed. Once he found what he came for, he dramatically exited the room in a very pirate-like way. He flamboyantly bowed before me, bearing a hook on his left hand, a red and brown leather vest upon his torso, and his incredibly stylish and otherworldly pirate hat upon his head.

There he was, the boy I truly fell for.

     Harry briskly escorted me down the hallway, and towards the entrance of the ship

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     Harry briskly escorted me down the hallway, and towards the entrance of the ship. I could see a clear path with nothing blocking our way. Except, well, a very amused Uma who had somehow managed to jump up in front of us.

     Harry and I jolted immediately, seeing as the entire crew had gathered behind Uma. Now blocking our only exit, Harry and I were left to defend ourselves without weaponry.

     "Oh cute. She's a pirate now!" Uma laughed heartily, pointing at my clothes with a polished finger. Her crew members harmonized with her laughter like parrots. "Harry's returned to his roots I see. 'Bout time you realized where you belong — with us." She stepped closer, her long braids forming a shawl over her body. Every pirate held some sort of weapon in their hands, from swords to knives, and other exotic things that could be only found in the depths of the Isle.

"I'm not here to join yeh. I came back for meh clothin', and now Erina and I are leavin'." Harry glared, his extremely tall figure towering over Uma in a threatening manner. I could tell by the petrified look in her cold little eyes that she wasn't used to him speaking this way. She always called the shots, but when someone was brave enough to tell her otherwise, she didn't exactly know what to do. Uma always had things her way, and her crew lived in fear of her punishments.

"What?" Uma scoffed, "You're turning down the baddest pirate gang on the Isle for her? Oh Harry. Your father wouldn't approve of this." Uma frowned, closing in the gap between them. I nervously bit my tongue, unsure if Uma was going to hurt him or kiss him. Her unpredictability frightened me more than anything. One moment she seems to like you when the next she's tying you up and throwing you in a cell.

     "Meh father? Please! He couldn't care less what I do." Harry grasped my hand tight, shoving his way past Uma with me trailing footsteps behind. "Besides, he already met Erina, and I'd say he's quite intrigued."

     The crew had always feared Harry ever since Uma promoted him to her first mate. He's ruthless, and freakishly strong. He can be a charming psychopath just like his father was. He's unpredictable, loyal, clever, and one heck of a sword fighter. He wasn't a pirate anyone would dare challenge, not even Uma. And now that his loyalties with her were gone, she could no longer depend on his service or faithfulness. His loyalty was to me now; no one else.

     I thought we were home free when I felt a cold, slimy hand clamp onto my wrist like an octopus.

"Where do you think you're runnin' off to, Erina?" I instinctively let go of Harry's hand, stumbling towards an infuriated Uma. I got the octopus part right. A dangerously sharp sword was angled at my chest, only a inches away from puncturing a lung.

     "What? Scared? 'Think you're boyfriend's gonna save you?" Uma cackled, not needing her crew as backup in order to challenge me. They waited inside of the ship, however, watching closely at our every move in case I put their captain in danger.

"You're crazy." Step by step, I slowly approached Harry. My hand reached back for his hook. He hesitated, but realized what I was about to try. He slipped the hook onto my hand, as I took hold of the metal bar inside. Uma hadn't noticed that I was now equipped with one of the strongest weapons a pirate could have.

     Throwing my hand upwards to catch the blade of her sword, Uma growled at me like a rabid dog and scrunched her nose in frustration.

"You just don't know when to stop, do you princess?" Uma managed to untangle her sword from my hook, charging at me with it. With every swing she took, I was able to block it. After a few minutes, I was getting tired of Uma's little show.

     Finally Uma lowered her sword with a snarl. "Not bad." She then spit over the dock's railing. "Fine. Go. Have fun and live your pathetic lives together!" Uma threw her sword down onto the dock in defeat.

     Harry quickly pulled me with him as he jogged down the dock to make a quick getaway. We found ourselves panting, leaning against a bike rack outside of Ursula's diner. Shortly after, we took a seat outside so we could keep an eye on Uma' ship.

     "So much for stealing the crew back." I sighed, resting my chin in my hand as I watched the mossy water below wash up underneath the deck.

   "We'll get a crew, don't worry." Harry reassured. "Won't be right away, but we'll get one."

• • • • • •

     After chatting for a while and indulging in some seafood, we got up and decided to roam the streets. He offered to take me to a few local venders so I could steal some clothes. I was nervous at first, nervous of getting arrested or yelled at. But then I remembered where I was, and who I was.

     As I looked at every stand, I couldn't help but notice the same old crooks that greeted us upon arrival. They were sitting in a circle playing with a deck of cards with an unfamiliar logo on them. At least they were distracted so I wouldn't have to deal with their rude comments again.

• • • • • •

     Holding up a short, peach colored dress against my body, I turned to face Harry. "What about this?" I honestly thought the dress was beautiful. I was in shock that something so bright and colorful would be found here considering most people wore literal rags.

     "I think it looks gorgeous." A voice other than Harry's replied from beyond the shadows. Harry and I looked to each other in shock as a pair of fiery blue eyes lit up the darkness...

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👀 Who could it beeeeeeee?

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