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     A FEW MINUTES AFTER HARRY LEFT, I could hear Uma scolding him upstairs

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     A FEW MINUTES AFTER HARRY LEFT, I could hear Uma scolding him upstairs. They stood right above our cells, and we could hear everything they said. Uma feared losing me — or rather the opportunity to trade me — and she insisted that Harry be more careful next time. Harry agreed, and promised he'd do his best to ensure I don't escape for good.

    I wasn't surprised that he freed her. For the time being, he was still a member of her crew regardless of his future plans. Even though he promised her, I hoped that he didn't mean it. If he did, our new alliance would be over, and I'd be on my own again.

    Within half an hour he returned to me with a plate of fresh seafood. He opened the door to my cage and handed me a tray with everything I would need; silverware, water, a handful of fries, and a tuna sandwich. After I put the tray down he entered the cage, and sat with his legs crossed in front of me.

    "How'd you make this? It's really good." I asked after taking a bite of the sandwich. Harry leaned forward and delicately wiped tuna juice from my chin with his thumb. Harry grinned, wiping his hand on a cloth napkin. His mesmerizing eyes glanced up at me, and I didn't feel hungry anymore. I felt hypnotized, to be honest. I wondered how someone so intimidating could be so breathtaking.

Suddenly embarrassed at how sloppy I ate, I didn't know what to say. "I-I'm sorry." My cheeked sizzled red and I shook my head. "I was just really hungry."

    "Don't apologize for being yourself...Erina. You don't have teh behave like you're still in Bore-adon." Harry calmly reassured. "And..we've got a crew workin' the kitchen. I didn't make this. Yeh would hate how I cook." Harry stood up, and sat down next to me. Our shoulders were inches apart, however I remained still. He leaned his back against the same wall as me, stretching his legs out before him.

   "I bet your food tastes fine." I whispered, looking down at my lap. Then I turned to face him. "I was expecting slop on a plate, though. This was a nice surprise, thank you." I took a couple greasy fries between my fingers. "Want a fry?"

   Harry nodded, leaning forward with his mouth wide open. I couldn't help but giggle, as I tossed the fries into his mouth one by one. Harry chuckled and crunched them loudly, drinking from my glass of water to wash them down.

"Hey that's my water." I pouted, throwing a fry at his chest. I wasn't sure how he'd react, and I braced for the worst.

    "Yeh missed my mouth!" Harry laughed, then picked the fry off his lap and threw it at me. Neither of us could stop smiling. There was something about him that I was drawn to. He's a bad boy with a soft side few had the luxury of seeing, and I was one of the lucky few.

I finished up the rest of my meal, and snatched my water back from Harry. "Please tell me that you didn't backwash. That would be nasty."

"Nah, I'm not that evil." He cooed charmingly.
"I best be goin'. As much as I hate to do this, I've got to return to Uma. Get some rest, yeh?" He nodded, rising to his feet. Harry offered me a hand up, and I gladly took it in mind.

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