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HERE LIES THE INFAMOUS ISLE OF THE LOST. Instead of music I could hear screams and cries for help in every direction. Instead being greeted by a welcome committee or even fireflies, I was greeted by thick clouds of smoke and thieving children.

   For every castle in Auradon, there were hundreds of wooden shacks with metal roofs on the Isle. Abandoned brick buildings such as factories lined neverending alleyways. Homeless families huddled together, while several crimes were being committed before my very eyes. Everywhere I looked, someone was hurt, crying, or fighting to stay alive.

    It was every person for themself.

Masked men stole from children; those same children took advantage of elders, as well as other families. Pets were disregarded, and left hungry on the streets. I wanted nothing more than to leave the Isle and never look back. In the distance, Auradon beckoned my return. The brightly colored gardens and lit up castles made me feel pampered and safe, and I'd only realized that now. However, part of me wanted to stay on the Isle in order to avoid my parents.

   "You owe me, Jay. Nothing good will come from being here, I'm sure of it." I complained, jogging to keep up with him.

"Actually, finding Mal will come out of this. And I don't owe you anything. You should want to save her. There's good in your heart, you're a princess. Doing good deeds is what you're.. well.. good at."

"Yeah," I scoffed, "because I'm just like everyone else. I hate to break it to you," I huffed, "I don't wear a crown and heels. I wear black boots and leggings! I don't get my nails done every week, and I most definitely don't talk to animals or sing to kids.. o-or do charity work. I'm not that kind of princess. Not here, not anywhere. This isn't what I do. I don't save people, nor do I ever need saving."

Jay didn't say a word. Then, he mumbled, "I'm.. sorry. But since you're so tough, you can search for Mal on your own. Meet me back at the limousine in an hour... assuming you can find it." He challenged.

"Fine. First one to find Mal wins what?" I could feel the excitement coursing through my body. Somehow I felt as if I even stood a chance.

"First one to find her wins... well — the winner gets to tell everyone back home that they saved her. They'll win Auradon's appreciation and gratitude. Go!" Jay bolted off without warning, running sprinting the streets. Dodging trash cans and broken carts, he disappeared into the city of thieves.

I stood there motionless. I was absolutely alone.

    "Come on." I hissed, taking a deep breath before venturing down a cobblestone pathway. I need to save Mal. But why? Why should I care? Just because Jay cares? This is not who I am, I'm not a hero; I just got done telling Jay that.

Let's get this over with.

I spent half an hour wandering around, avoiding glares from the crooks I passed by. No one recognized me as a princess, however, it was evident that I was new. It was up to me now to act as if I'm the baddest villain here. That seemed to work for me.

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