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     EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT, NOW. Harry and I began our lives in the dangerous Isle of the Lost. But we weren't alone. Uma joined my crew- yes, my crew, and we are slowly recruiting the baddest of the bad to join us. Although we were a crew of three or so, we were stronger together than apart. Staying enemies would only give us more things to worry about, and we have enough to deal with as it is.

     My parents, along with all of Auradon that came to fight alongside us returned to their happy island. However, through this entire experience, I lost my best friend and a new friend that I met along the way.

     At times I would break into tears after seeing something that reminds me of Ally. Whether it's pink hair, or anything over the top girly, I think to myself, Ally would like that. I miss her, and not a moment goes by that she isn't in my thoughts.

     Meanwhile, Harry has returned to his piratey self, sporting a new brand of eyeliner to go with his new pirate captain outfit (although I'm the captain, and he's the first mate). When our enemies catch us in their sights, they won't be able to see straight. We'll laugh, and call 'em fish bait. Harry'll throw them on his hook, and remind them when they give us dirty looks of who's the baddest of them all.

A day or two after both islands defeated Haden, things began to look up. I remember one morning Harry and I received a visitor knocking on the door of our ship. A well-worn Felix stood leaning against the ships' outer wall, having no energy to stand on his own. His clothes were torn and tattered with charred patches all over.

When I first saw him standing there before me, I was speechless. He's dead! How is he standing right in front of me? I watched Haden send him to the Underworld...

"Erina." Felix chuckled breathlessly, "I survived. I survived the Underworld!" He didn't need to say more.

     Pulling him inside, Harry, Uma, and I treated Felix like royalty. After he was well and taken care of, Uma told him that Prince Ben invited him back to Auradon, and called off the bet Felix lost. Felix, knowing the dangers that lurk within the Isle, decided to stay anyways, and join our crew. I couldn't be happier to have him back. He saved my life, and I would be forever in debt to him. Letting someone as loyal as Felix join my crew was the least I could do.

     I realized how he was back. Haden, before he died, arrogantly said that Felix would be brought back to life the day he died. I guess a god's word is the truth. Haden must have meant it. That must mean Felix has been back for a couple days, now, and had just found his way to the ship. I'm glad he did, though.

     Unfortunately, Ally, Felix's sister, and all of the other lost souls down below never made it back from the Underworld.

In a month's time, Harry and I had a crew with over twenty men and women. We'd become celebrities in the Isle. We decided we would be accepting everyone and anyone to our crew as long as they were rotten to the core like us.

As we built up our reputation as being the baddest of them all, I could see my future with Harry shining brightly head of me. I definitely could see us getting married on our ship sometime soon.

I will always be the hero the Isle of the Lost needs. No matter how evil I am, I will never let innocent people be taken to the underworld. Maybe it's the princess in me. Or maybe it's the Isle in me. I look out for my people, hoping one day I won't have to.

We have all the ways to be...

What's my name.. what's my name?


We have all the ways to be-!

Say it louder!

So many ways to be wicked......


Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed the final conclusion of 'Pirate's Curse'! I will be posting more to this story after the epilogue.

Again, thanks for all of your support! 

Thank you all.

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