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     "HARRY DON'T DO THIS TO ME." I gasped, blowing strands of hair away from my eyes. The wind had picked up, and was strong enough to throw me overboard on its own.. if it weren't for Harry holding onto me. "I'm sorry for what I said. I was angry a-an scared, okay? I'm sorry! Please believe me! I mean it." I was out of options. I needed for Harry to accept my apology, and let me free.

     Harry scoffed. "If you untie me, I could take you back to Auradon. I-if that's what you want. I'll give you anything you want..if you just untie me." I found myself staring off the side of the plank. I didn't realize how high up we were, and my head began to spin. My body swayed with the ship's movements in the waves.

"Your time is up." Harry slowly whispered in my ear, his eyes whirling with madness. The tip of his hook scratched down my shoulder blade. "Oh the things we could've done together. We could have been unstoppable. But you ruined it!" He snapped, causing me to jolt.

     "No need to make me feel guilty, I already feel terrible." I grunted, trying to wiggle my hands free. "If I am going to die today, I don't want the last thing I hear to be your voice. So shut up."

     "Watch it—"

"Harry!" Uma called out. "Drop her! Drop the princess! Jay doesn't think I'm serious, but I am. They won't give me the wand, and if they do, I know it'll be fake! So let her swim with the fishes! After all, she tried stealin' the heart of my first mate!" Uma cackled, and as if on command, thunder cracked overhead, and a light rain began to fall upon us.

   "Harry I don't want to hurt you. But I will." I threatened, practically standing nose to nose with the pirate now.

    Harry was silent; his actions spoke for him. His shark-like teeth were drawn up in a menacing grin.  I could feel the wooden plank give towards the sea as a result of our combined weight.

   "Don't do this to her! Just give us time! We'll return with the crown!" Jay pleaded, however Uma declined. The VK's tried breaking down the ship's door, but it was no use. They were completely and utterly powerless.

       I was within inches of the edge. Turning around, I swung my bound wrists and walked Harry across the face. He stepped backwards, caught off guard from what had happened. Harry stumbled backwards, and neared the edge of the plank. I stepped towards him, and proceeded to risk it all. I continued to swing at him, however I was limited in my movements. He dodged all of my swings, and eventually managed to take hold of me once more.

     I was now leaning backwards over the edge of the plank. I could practically feel the ocean's chilling waves smacking against my body. Harry held onto my wrists, holding them close to his torso.

   "Harry please. I can't swim if I'm tied up. I'll sink to the bottom, and you'll never see me again." Harry looked into my eyes; his own were quickly filling with tears. I could see that this pained him. He regretted everything he's done to me, and everything to come. He truly believed this was the end to our story. Part of him seemed as if he wished it were Uma in my place instead of me. But for reasons truly unknown, he was preparing to carry out Uma's order. "I'm so sorry." He sniffed, scanning my face one last time.

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