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Should I make a trailer? — would anyone watch it?

Should I make a trailer? — would anyone watch it?[THIS CHAPTER TOOK FOREVER TO EDIT LOL]_________________________________

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"THE DAUGHTER OF ARIEL." Haden furrowed his brows. "I could've called it from a mile away. I knew you had to come from someone exciting. Obviously you're no filthy pirate, even if you try to dress like one." He sighed and retreated into the shadows until only one eye was visible.

"Hey." Harry's vociferous roar instilled a moment of fear in me. Haden's lips pursed together in a tight grin, watching Harry seethe uncomfortably. "One more word an' I'll hook yeh." He threatened, raising his hook towards Haden's chin. Haden struggled to subside a grin. The corners of his lips squirmed in every direction until he burst into laughter.

     "Riiiiiight! Because a metal hook is just so terrifying. As entertaining as you are, please don't waste your energy." Haden reeled in his laughter and commented that Harry was going to kick up his nonexistent asthma.

     "I have a great idea. Well — great for me. Let me take Erina for a walk." A quick witted Haden sent his most charming wink my way, hoping that it would lure me into his trap. I could feel it somehow working...

"I'm not a dog!" I hollered defensively.

"No, you're not. Because if you were, I'd actually be having fun. C'mon it won't be so bad. Consider it a date if you will." He asked me out on his idea of a date as if it were no big deal; as if it were something he'd asked hundreds of other girls on the Isle. I hesitated but I didn't understand why I did do.

It was an absurd request. I was madly in love with Harry Hook as he could plainly see. Why would Haden want to disrupt our happiness?

   "No! No way-" Harry replied tautly. He had already lost so much; his ship, his crew, and in a way, his family. I was all he had, and the thought of losing me too was unbearable for the lovestruck pirate.

     "After what you just did to us you're asking me on a date? Here, and right now?" I was at a loss for words. For a demigod he sure lacked common sense amongst many things.

"Ouch." Haden winced. "It won't be romantic or anything. Just a nice stroll through the crispy forest. I'd like to better know the Little Mermaid's daughter. I've heard so much about her, and I want to learn the truth." His tone wanted me to trust him, and to allow the fiery prince to guide me through the dark. Part of me wanted to see where he'd take me and I couldn't help it. I was completely fascinated by a malicious stranger who possessed the ability to wield fire at any given moment.

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