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     I WOKE UP TO THE SOUND OF HEAVY FOOTSTEPS. The door to my cell had been unlocked and swung open abruptly. As I was still waking up and coming to terms with my surroundings, I remained curled up in the corner, snuggling into Harry's warm jacket.

Within a few moments I was fully aware of where I was. As surprising as this sounds, I slept like the dead. The floor was cold and damp, but I made it work. To my delight, Harry was the first thing I laid eyes on.

"Good morning." I croaked, running my finger through my hair to look somewhat presentable. Harry stepped inside, his eyes narrowing at the sight of me.

"What, no good morning back?" I frowned, wondering what had happened to him overnight.

I slowly stood up, using the bars of the cage to pull my weight. I slipped my arms from the sleeves of his coat, and held it out towards him. "Well...Here's your coat. Thanks you again-" Harry snatched his coat from my possession. He shook it off as if cleaning it from my filth, and put it on himself.

By then my face had become twisted with concern. As of last night, we were sharing fries and having a good time. He willingly gave me his jacket to keep warm overnight, and now he seemed to be back to his old, cheerful self.

"You have visitors. Jay's back for yeh, and he's brought... friends." Harry's eyes were low to the ground, seeming to look anywhere but at me. "You were right. Somebody'd come for yeh eventually." Harry scowled, turning on his heels and exiting my cage.

"Wait. N-no! I can't go back."

Harry's eyes widened at my sudden protest.
It was as if his heart had stopped beating.

"What? You mean yeh like it 'ere?" Harry interrogated. "Just hours ago yeh wanted nothin' more than to leave! Now yeh want to stay? What changed? Do yeh enjoy bein' locked up.. treated like an animal rather than a princess?" Harry's frantic questioning turned into a heartbroken plea. "Please."

Harry stepped closer to me, his bottom lip slightly quivering. His seafoam eyes scanned mine, a look of hope emerging within for the first time. His breaths were staggered; his chest rose and fell with every passing second I didn't answer him. "I need to know the reason why yeh won't go back — I need to hear it." Harry slowly removed the pirate hat from his head, and held it against his chest. "Because I know why I want yeh to stay."

"You're the only reason why I want to stay. I really, truly would love to stay here, but I... I know I can't." I looked to Harry through my ocean eyes. "Harry I'm sorry-" I cried softly, feeling him take my hand in his. His pirate hat fell to the ground, seemingly becoming worthless to the young pirate. I could see the hurt in his eyes, and feel it in his grip. He now walked with the sole purpose of handing me over to my rescuers. "Harry if I could stay, I would! But my parents—!"

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