While I was supposed to be bringing Lauren back, I ended up staying with her for the last week. I went MIA, but they all understood. Janelle on the other hand was a bit upset at the news, but she got over it and as long as I promised to bring Lauren back in time for the album release, then all was forgiven. Well for the time being it was.
Today was the second to last day before we would both be on a plane back to L.A. and be reunited with the rest of the girls. Then we would everything would go back to normal. Though with the way we've been acting this past week, I didn't know if we would continue this or if it would all disappear when we got back. Would she still want me when we weren't the only ones around?
"Caaammmzzz." Lauren moaned from underneath all the pillows she kept on her bed
"Hmm?" I said, leaning in closer to her.
"Stop thinking so hard. It's too early." She blindly reached out a hand to find me. I grabbed it and intertwined our fingers. They always fit perfectly.
"I'm not thinking hard. I'm just thinking." I retorted.
"Well no thinking allowed while in my bed, especially this early. Just cuddle me and give me kisses like you've been doing all week." She moved from under the mountain of pillows and positioned herself next to me. I pushed an arm under her and threw my other one on top of her. I pulled her in close, fitting perfectly together. Everything fit between us, everything was perfect.
I gave her soft kisses on her temple and ears, down her cheek and her jawline. I was still in awe and shock to be able to do this again. It was a dream come true. Something I never thought I would get to do. I never thought I'd get to hold her or kiss those lips of hers. But somehow, she wanted it. She wanted to kiss me and she wanted me to cuddle her like I used to. She may not remember that, but it seemed her body did.
But if her body did not remember, than she must have remembered something that led her to kiss me in the club and then ask me if we could kiss again when I came to bring her back. That was the only logical explanation. And if that was the only logical explanation, than she would tell me if she remembers something right? She wouldn't keep something that big away from me.
"You're doing it again. I won't be able to sleep some more huh?" She mumbled before turning around in my arms and placing soft kisses on my neck.
"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be thinking but it's all I can do while you're in La La land." She continued to kiss my exposed neck and she went down to my collarbone that was exposed as well. Her mouth went a little too low and I had to move away a little to stop her. "You're going too far Jauregui."
"I can't help myself around you Cabello. You're just too much for me." She placed a tender kiss on my cheek and then rolled off the bed. "If you're not going to let me feel you up to make up for not letting me sleep, then we're going to go out and have fun."
I laughed and grabbed a pillow to throw at her. "I am not that easy Lauren Michelle. You're going to have to take me out to dinner and a movie at least before you get to second base."
I threw the pillow which she caught easily and then she threw back at me laughing. "I guess I'll have to plan for dinner and a movie tonight then." She winked at me before she walked out of the room to her bathroom that was attached.
"In your dreams Jauregui!" I yelled. I could hear her cackling from the bathroom. It was just like old times and it felt really good to be here again. I would just have to ask her later, when there was moment, if she had remembered anything.
"Where are you taking me Lo?" After we got ready, she asked her mom for the car keys and she started driving aimlessly. I recognized lots of where we were going but about half an hour ago, it became unrecognizable. I was a little scared she was taking me somewhere to kill me. I wouldn't put it past her because of everything I did. Maybe she had been lying and saying that she had forgiven me when in reality she had been secretly planning on killing and dropping me in the swamp for the crocodiles to eat me once she was done.

Amnesia (Camren)
FanfictionAn accident leads to Lauren being in a coma for a year. She wakes up and doesn't remember the girls or the rough relationship her and Camila have had. With no memory, Lauren rejoins the group and finds out the hard way that not having a single memor...