Chapter Twenty

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"Do you want more Ginger Ale?" The stewardess asked Camila, coming down the aisle, making her rounds again. This was the fourth time she had stopped here. I don't think anyone else had received the same special treatment that we were receiving--I mean Camila was receiving. A blind person could tell that she liked Camila, especially since she hadn't even glanced in my direction for the last three times. She was obligated the first time around, but I guess courtesy and manners went out the window the second, third and fourth times.

"Yes, please." Camila said, giving the stewardess a smile. She held out her cup for the blonde woman to fill up again with the soda. I watched the woman pour the drink into the cup. Sure she was pretty I guess. She had high cheek bones and soft lips which could be enticing. Her eyes were almost a dark blue. She was a person's dream come true. If she was your type that is. 

The more I watched this woman, the more this foreign feeling had been spreading through my body. The first time I thought nothing of this, but the second and then the third time, I had caught on with what this woman was doing and how the feeling had increased the more I saw her trying to talk with Camila. She was flirting shamelessly with Camila who happened to be underage. The stewardess had to be at least in her early 20s and I'm sure she wasn't Camila's type. Not that I knew what Camila's taste in women was, but I was certain it did not include older women or blonde ones.

What am I thinking? It was none of my business if Camila liked her or if she didn't. As a friend, I should be elated for her if she decided to date the two dollar hooker. That's what a good friend would do.

"If you need anything, my name is Jane. I won't be too far away if you need something to drink or a pillow." The blonde woman spoke sweetly, putting the can of Ginger Ale on Camila's little table. "Remember, anything you need, just call me." All she was missing from that sentence was a wink.

"Desperate much?" I muttered, having to turn my head to my right so they wouldn't see me roll my eyes. The perks of sitting next to the window, no one to see you do things on your right.

"Did you say something Lauren?" Camila asked me, her hand touching my arm softly. Her warm brown eyes were focused on me and there was something indescribable lurking in those chocolate pools. My mouth went dry looking at her.

Oh shit. Had she heard me?

"Huh?" I pretended to not have heard her, trying to downplay that I had actually been paying attention to their interaction.

"Did you say something Lo?" She asked me again. Her fingers slowly stroked my forearm. God that felt good. Why were we being friends again?

"No. No. I was just clearing my throat." I cleared my throat in hopes it would distract her and not realize what I had said. I leaned back into my chair, trying to find a comfortable position to alleviate the soft strokes on my arm making me uncomfortable in other ways.

"Will there be anything else Camilla?" Blondie asked her, diverting Camila's attention back to her.

I wanted to face palm so bad. Why could no one say her name right? And Camila being to nice to correct her, let it go.

"Cameela." I mumbled very softly so only Camila would hear me. She smiled at me before she shifted her eyes back to the clueless woman.

"No. I'm good. Thank you. Unless Lauren wants something." Camila turned back to me. Her hand was still on my arm, driving me slightly insane.

"Actually, some tea would be great. I think I might be coming down with a cold," I lied. I wasn't getting sick. I just wanted to piss off Blondie for trying to mess with Camila while I was here. My plan worked because because the two dollar hooker looked at me through the narrowed slits of her eyes. 

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