I was fucked. Well, I had been thoroughly fucked just a few hours ago, but I was fucked because I was allowing this little fuck buddies thing of Lauren to get out of hand. On tour was one thing, I could let it be because we were all we had. Once home I thought it would hold off until we met up again for the tour, giving me plenty of time to come up with some excuse that would end it. I did not expect her to text me last night nor for her to send me a nude to make me come to her. This was dangerous what we had gotten into. This could lead to a bigger disaster if Lauren ended up remembering things. She could end up blaming me for not stopping her, for not seeing reason. She could hate me and never forgive me. There was endless possibilities of what could happen.
It was hard for me to stop her. It was hard to not give Lauren everything she wanted this time around. How could I deny an angel a simple request? Not exactly a simple request to be honest. It didn't matter though. Lauren wanted to increase our friendship to fuck buddies, fine. My heart could stay out of it. I was prohibiting its involvement for as long as I could hold out. The moment it decided to get involved, I would have to end the benefits portion of our friendship.
The last time I had spent the night in Lauren's room, was the night before we had that little fallout. I didn't think I would find myself here so soon after everything. It felt nice to be here with her again, in her arms, safe and sound, her light snoring in my ear; her breath causing a few of the hairs by my ear to tickle it. Her skin touching me, mine touching her, our bodies close and fitting perfectly against one another. I took a deep breath, breathing in her scent which I called home.
A light buzzing from Lauren's nightstand caught my attention. Thinking it was mine, I grabbed it, realizing it was not mine when I saw the picture of Lucy on the screen. A pain shot through my heart seeing her face. This was not what I wanted to see first thing in the morning. My good mood soured, I turned around in Lauren's arms so I could wake her up.
"Lauren, Lucy's calling you," I said, trying to mask the hurt I felt from seeing the Colombian's face on my lover's phone.
She groaned, keeping her eyes closed. "Camz, I don't care. We barely went to bed a few hours ago. She can wait. Please get back into my arms like you were. I'm too comfortable to move." I put the phone back in the nightstand, my good mood returning and gladly fell back into Lauren's arm at her request. She snuggled more into me, molding her body around mine.
As I was closing my eyes to fall back asleep, I heard the buzzing of the phone on the nightstand again. It didn't let up, the vibrations kept on. I ignored it for as long as I could before it started to vex me to the point that I wanted to pick up the phone and throw it across the room so I couldn't hear it anymore.
Lauren sighed from behind me. I could hear the irritation in the way she sighed. Her body tensed for a moment before she relaxed against me like she was before.
"Hand me the phone please, Camz," Lauren asked me nicely.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed the phone off the nightstand, handing it over to Lauren. I moved to get up so I could give her some privacy but she held onto me with one arm while the other held onto the phone. My skin was cold from where her arm had been holding onto me.
"Stay," she said right before answering the phone. "Hey. No. Sorry." Her free hand wander up and down my stomach, tickling me softly. "I didn't realize how late it was. I didn't get much sleep last night." Lauren looked me and smirked, her eyes glinting with dirty thoughts. "Yeah. Just let me wake up and I'll swing by and pick you up in an hour or so. Have you asked Alexa and Vero? Okay. So they're picking you up? Alright. I'll see you there then. Bye."
Lauren rolled back into me, cuddling once more. She placed her head over mine, resting it there. I shivered a little at the unexpected movement.
"Are you cold?" Lauren questioned. She plausibly thought that I was shivering because I was cold. I had shivered mainly because she was being cute. I don't think she knew how much her cuteness affected me.

Amnesia (Camren)
FanfictionAn accident leads to Lauren being in a coma for a year. She wakes up and doesn't remember the girls or the rough relationship her and Camila have had. With no memory, Lauren rejoins the group and finds out the hard way that not having a single memor...