Chapter Eighteen

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We weren't set to do anything before tour due to Lauren having to learn the dance moves for our last album and our EP; additionally because of my fall, but since I was feeling better and from what I heard from Norminah, Lauren had everything down pat, management had decided to do one last promo before we would be flying out to Lima, Peru to kick off the tour.

I had spent the last week trying to recover from my fall and from the text message Lauren had sent to me. She had asked to be friends and I had to respect her decision as much as I didn't want to at this time. I understood why she would ask for that. We had spoken harsh words to each other and perhaps it was best to have a breather from all the drama.

So for the past 7 days, Lauren and I had been sending each other memes. She had started it as a reason to keep me entertained the first few days while I remained in bed. It had continued after as a way to have some form of contact with her. Other than the memes, we didn't speak. It was a little weird, but understandable.

The girls made no moves to get us to reconcile or asked why we weren't talking. I found that just slightly odd, especially coming from Dinah and Normani. Dinah at one point had claimed to be the captain of the Camren ship and Normani had claimed to be co-captain once she had decided we were cute together. That was all once upon a time. Maybe they were just going to leave us to figure it out on our own.

"Since it seems you are feeling better Camila, we went ahead and created a special autograph session for the fans here in L.A since it was last notice. The way we're going to do it, is that you will be split up in different parts of the city. You will send out little hints through Snapchat on where fans can find you to get an autograph from each and everyone of you. Then tonight, you guys will board the plane to Peru." Janelle had conjured a little meeting for us out of air, bright and early so there would be plenty of time to do the promo, pack and arrive on time to the airport. "Questions ladies?"

I looked around the room and saw we were all shaking our heads no.

"Perfect! Oh and at some point you will be paired off with someone in the group. It will be for your fans that are obsessed with the ships." 

I cringed internally. Whoever came up with that idea should be fired. Sure it would have more fans out and about looking for us, but it would blow up in their faces. The most requested ship in the fandom was Camren and sometimes Norminah. Then there was the other ones which I could never remember how to say. I think Ally and Lauren was Alren? Dinah and I were, Caminah? I don't know. I didn't keep up much with that. Well that was a lie. I did the first year on The X Factor. I watched all those Camren videos, even the ones of Caminah and Norminah.

My point to all of this was that all the Camren fans were sure to go berserk at the sight of Lauren and I together once we were paired up. I wasn't sure how much Lauren had looked into our ship nor if she had seen all the comments on social media about it. I didn't know if she would be prepared for it once fans saw us. Would it overwhelm her? Or would she keep her cool?

"We'll start if off here. One of you choose to record on the Fifth Harmony account and then say these words. You have five minutes to do it. Once you're done, you all have cars waiting outside to take you to your first destination."

We all looked around at each other before we got closer to the cards Janelle had placed on the table. I picked up one of the cards which happen to be for Lauren. I shoved it in her direction, which she took from me. Her finger tips grazed against my hand. It sent a shiver down my back which I ignored. It seemed my body was not on the same page as my brain.

"Thanks," she said. It was the first word she had spoken directly to me.

Trying not to make a fool out of myself, I nodded slightly instead of saying 'you're welcome'. Not speaking would ensure I wouldn't sound dumb. I knew I would stutter. It was certain to happen, no doubt about it.

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