We were on a small break from the tour. We would resume it towards the end of September and it would be in Mexico. I was glad for the break because it was going to give me the chance to confess this not so secret that I sort of kind of kept from my parents.
"Mama, papa, I need to tell you something. Es importante. And I don't know if I can keep it in any longer." I sucked in a deep breath, filling up my lungs to full capacity until it felt like they would burst. Slowly, I let out the air in my lungs, puffing out my cheeks in the process.
"What is it mija? Is everything okay? You're not sick, are you? Because you're looking a little pale."
My parents sat in front of me on the couch in our living room staring at me with wide eyes. My mom kept searching my face for any clue as to what I had to tell them. Even though my father had wide eyes, he looked slightly amused. Why? I had no clue but it was a little unnerving as if he knew what I was about to say.
Have you ever put on an Icy Hot patch? You know that sensation it gives you once it starts soaking into your skin? I was feeling that times a thousand. It was like I had a thousand of those patches all over body and it didn't go away. My body was throbbing with that sensation.
It wasn't that I was scared. I wasn't. I had never spoken the words out loud. Every single time that I talked about this subject, I had never said the words,'I'm a lesbian'.
This was a big step for me. A big step for my family If they weren't comfortable with it. And even if they were, it was still a big step.
"Todo bien. I promise. I just-I love both of you very much. What I'm about to say-admit-may come as u shock to you or you may already know. No matter what your reaction is, I love you both and nothing you say will hurt me. I'm in a much better place than I was when I first realized I wasn't -" I paused for a moment swallowing what little saliva was in my mouth. "I'm into girls. I'm a lesbian."
There. I had finally spoken the truth out loud. My parents finally knew my sexual orientation. I wasn't hiding it. Though it may have seemed like I had hid it from them, from the world, I just had never had the need to clarify something that didn't need clarification.
The one thing I could say about this whole ordeal was that I felt a tremendous weight lifted off my shoulders.
Just as my mama had done to me, I searched their faces in hopes that their reactions wouldn't be explosive in a very bad way. I was prepared for a turn of events. I was hoping it wouldn't come to that.
"I think I'm going to need my $5 bucks from Chris back." My father spoke finally, a big old smile on his face.
"Lucky you. I have to give Clara $20. She bet me that Camila would be the first one of the girls to come out." My mama said turning to look at my papa and then looking at me.
Was this the reason why he had been slightly amused earlier on? Girls? What girls? Did they know Lauren had been my girlfriend? I never implied it when I spoke just now.
"Does this mean I get to collect from Chris, Taylor, and uncle Mike now? They all bet me that Lauren would gain her memory back before either one of them came out." Sofi popped into the room unexpectedly. How the hell had she heard my conversation with our parents? And where the hell did she come from? I thought she was in her room.
Were they all serious right now? They bet on me coming out of the closet? If I had known it would have been this easy, I would have told them all years ago. This would have changed everything betwix Lauren and me. A lot would have been different.

Amnesia (Camren)
FanfictionAn accident leads to Lauren being in a coma for a year. She wakes up and doesn't remember the girls or the rough relationship her and Camila have had. With no memory, Lauren rejoins the group and finds out the hard way that not having a single memor...