"I don't know how to say this. I guess I should start out by saying that this is plan B, in case I need to protect myself from the recent developments with Lauren." I swallowed the lump that formed in the back of my throat. "It wouldn't just benefit me but Lauren was well. I want nothing but the best for her."
"Just spit it out, Karla," Dinah demanded. Normani and Ally nodded their heads in agreement.
Here goes nothing.
"Plan me leaving Fifth Harmony."
The room erupted into chaos. All three of them speaking at the same time. They looked mad, outraged at the plan I had come up with. Their words made my head spin. I was trying to isolate what they were saying, having no luck in figuring out anything the more I tried.
"Guys! Guys!" I yelled, putting my hands up to convince them to stop. "I'm not just doing this to be selfish or to ruin what we have. I just want things to go back to normal. I don't want to leave you guys which is why it's plan B. This is my contingency plan in case that everything with Lauren doesn't work."
"Are you fucking stupid? Seriously, did you lose your brain somewhere? Because this is the worst idea you've come forward with. What makes you think that leaving the group is going to solve anything?" Dinah was spitting mad, her features red--not from laughter but from all the blood that was rushing around due to her anger.
"You guys do not see it like I do. I love all of you, but you do not understand how hard it's been for me. Yeah, I screwed up and I'm in this situation because of me, myself and I. However, I'm so tired of having to deal with this. One moment we're fine, the next she's not talking to me. It's so hot and cold. I don't know if we're ever going to reach the right temperature."
"So you plan on leaving the group to save yourself and Lauren while we get the shit end of the stick? Fucking fabulous plan." Dinah muttered, turning on her heel and walking out the room. Normani looked at me like she was about to say something. She opened her mouth and closed it a couple of time before shaking her head and following after Dinah instead.
I resorted to looking at Ally who stared at me, watching me closely with disappointment. I mentally kicked myself for making Ally disappointed in me. I expected the reactions from the other two, not from Ally.
"I love you Camila and I will support you no matter what because you're my sister. But this, I don't agree with your decision. I'm with Dinah on this one." Ally, looked at me once more before shaking her head and leaving just like Dinah and Normani had. On her way out, she almost collided with Lauren who was walking in. I couldn't help but notice how cute Lauren was looking with her black baseball cap, a hoodie that said New York across the top with the letters NY below in block lettering, and black leggings. Her hair was in a ponytail, hanging out from the back of her cap.
Not the time Camila.
I watched as her green eyes assessed Ally leaving, shifting to me when the eldest walked away without a word. "Why does Dinah look like she's going to kill someone while Normani tries to figure out a way to hide the body and Ally look like she's disappointed?"
That would be thanks to me. It was my fault why they were reacting like this. I wanted to scream and holler at them. To tell them that it was not them who got to decide on my love life and when I was done with it. To talk some sense into them, freaking over a plan, not an actual action. For crying out loud, I had not mentioned the idea to Roger yet. It was nothing more than a thought at this point.
"Non-nothing." I snapped at her. I almost stopped myself in time because I didn't want to make things worse. Unluckily, I ended up snapping anyway. I swung away from her lingering gaze to lie down on one of the sofas. I laid down face up, throwing my arm over my face so I wouldn't let my eyes look for Lauren and to think this whole thing through.

Amnesia (Camren)
FanfictionAn accident leads to Lauren being in a coma for a year. She wakes up and doesn't remember the girls or the rough relationship her and Camila have had. With no memory, Lauren rejoins the group and finds out the hard way that not having a single memor...