Chapter Fourteen

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The kiss was replaying in my head. The way she had come onto me. The way I thrown myself back at her after she had stolen my first kiss. I kept it on repeat and repeat, thinking of how soft her lips were against mine. The way she bit my bottom lip and the way I had responded with a small moan.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. It had been about a week since it happened and I wanted it to happen again. I wanted it to happen more than once. I wanted Lauren to be the one, my girlfriend. I wanted all those cute moments, the unforgettable ones that I could remember 20, 30 years down the road and say I knew she was the one even before we had kissed. I wanted all of that and more.

But I was scared to try it again. I was scared she would reject me or take it back. That it was just a one time curiosity of hers and she had fulfilled it when she kissed me. I was paralyzed with fear whenever I was near her and the thoughts of kissing came back into my head and I was just a mess. I was a mess of hormones and teenage fantasies.

Today was the day though. I was going to push through my fear, I was going to conquer it and I was going to steal another kiss from Lauren. 

My plan was to catch her between the meet and greets and the start of the concert. I knew there would be a chance to grab her hand and yank her into a closet. She would be too surprised to know what was going on and then kiss her. Those ruby red lips, those soft ruby red lips that fit perfectly with mine.

Currently, we were in the middle of the meet and greet. We were almost through the Q&A portion of the meet and greet. Soon we would be moving onto the picture part and more than likely, several fans would ask for Camren to be together during the photos. Lots of the fans loved the idea of us. So did I.

And such as I had thought, such did happen. Lauren and I were placed pretty much next to each other for all the pictures. We would either just be next to each other or the person that was having their picture taken with us, would have us touching in some shape or form. It was hard to stop myself from taking her and kissing her openly in front of all the fans. It was hard to not grab her hand and pull it into mine to hold. 

When the torture was finally over, we headed backstage to change and get ready. So this was it. This is where I let go of the fear and I pulled her in for another kiss. So I tried and I failed miserably because she had pulled me first. She grabbed my hand and pulled me in another direction than where the girls were going. She took me to the closet I had been planning on using and she pushed me up against the door. Lauren pressed her lips against mine and I got to experience her lips again.

She bit my lip and I released a small moan. Her tongue slipped into my mouth and I took the initiative to grab onto her waist to pull her in closer. Her hands slipped into my hair and I moaned again because of the little pull there was when she grabbed onto it.

 Her hips were against mine and she was pushing into me. It felt so good to be here again with her. It felt even more amazing than the first time. I had butterflies and I was on cloud nine just from her kisses; delicious, yummy kisses that I could have for the rest of my life.

"I'm sorry to ambush you like this," Lauren said in between the kisses. "But I haven't been able to stop thinking about you and the kiss we had the other day." She kissed me some more, leaving me weak in the knees. "I hope I haven't been the only one."

I kissed her back, eagerly and hard. I put my feelings into the kiss so she could know that she wasn't the only one who had been thinking about it. It was on my brain night and day. How could she even think that I wouldn't be thinking of the same thing? It would be ridiculous, even ludicrous to think that I wouldn't.

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