Chapter Nine

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We were in the middle of promoting Work From Home. We had gone from radio show to radio show non stop over the last week. Sometimes we were all together and sometimes it was just individually so we could promote as much as possible between the five of us.

When speaking with Lucy, I had expressed how much I was enjoying this and I was fine. But I was far from fine. I was getting overwhelmed. Between the shows and keeping my memory loss a secret, I was spread thin. The girls would quiz me on things I should know as Lauren and it was exhausting. I couldn't keep up with everything I had done within the last four years.

"Lauren, I'm sure you've been asked several times already, but how are adjusting to being back in the group again?"

We were all together, at a radio station, doing the same thing again. I didn't tire of hearing our song in the radio, but I was tired of the same song and dance when it came to me coming back into the group.

I put on a fake smile and gave the radio announcer the same response I had been giving everyone else.

"It's going great. The girls are amazing. They've been wonderful making sure I'm okay and this isn't too crazy for me. Plus our managers are there too. Everyone's just happy I'm back."

I wanted to roll my eyes. This was so tedious.

"Harmonizers are very happy that you're back. They had it trending it on Twitter the other day when they heard you guys were in the studio again with Lauren."

I nodded my head. I couldn't do this right now. I had to run. I needed to go somewhere other than here. The need to be able to breathe was pulling at my lungs. I needed to find a way out of here or I would lose my shit.

A soft hand squeezed my thigh. I turned to look at Camila. It was her hand which rested on my thigh. She squeezed it again and the storm I thought was going to start brewing inside of me, simmered down. I took a deep breath and let it out.

"Thank you," I whispered for only her to hear. She nodded slightly.

Tuning back into the radio announcer, I noticed Dinah was talking. Our eyes meet for a brief moment and she winked at me. It was subtle enough that I don't think anyone else noticed.

I think my face had a look of confusion on it because she pointed down to her lap. I looked down at my lap and realized she was telling me to look at my phone. Surely enough there was a message from Dinah and it said, 'Always have your back'.

I smiled. Well good to know.

"So how do you girls feel about listening to your song?"

"Yasss!" Dinah practically yelled. The rest of the girls laughed at the excitement. I just kept the fake smile. I wasn't as worked up as before, but I over being here and just wanted to go back to home. But that was not an option. We were onto a performance next. We were set to perform the single at the Today Show.

"What we've all been waiting for, here is Work From Home." The radio announcer pressed a button and our song started to filter out through the headsets and then through the whole room.

I removed my headset and turned to look at Camila. She was jamming out to her part, lip singing the way through. A ghost of a smile graced my lips. A real one this time.

She pulled out her phone and opened up Snapchat. She signaled for me to move in closer and I did. The smell of her shampoo graced my senses the moment I posed next to her. She took the picture and I had to stop myself from turning and looking at this wonderful human being beside me.

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