"Because of what just happened, I need you to know that I have only pitched the idea to Roger. He hasn't put anything into motion. It's only a plan. I don't understand why she has to take it out on you as well." I clenched my jaw, forgetting the splitting headache I had from the fall. It only made the pounding in my head worse. I was so mad right now. I was mad at Dinah for walking out the way she did. For pretty much walking away from Normani for choosing my side. That was petty and immature. She could tell me that she hated me, wished we had never met, etc. Dinah could be cruel to me, say whatever she wanted. I wouldn't mind. Time would tell if we would be able to remain friends over our differences or if we would never know each other again.
Normani was a whole different story. I didn't appreciate the way she had looked at Normani. Nope. Was not having it. Not today. We were old enough to act like the adults we were. There was no time to push people aside and not be understanding for the decisions we made. Normani didn't deserve for Dinah to be disappointed in her.
"She'll come around Mila. I know she will. It's hard for her. I know you both mean something to each other. She's hurting. I know she is. And Ally, well, I really don't know what's going on with her. I was hoping she would be on your side so it would make it easier to convince Dinah that it wasn't such a bad idea."
Looking at Normani carefully, I noticed that she wasn't all that great either. Sure, she had been laughing not that long ago and been happy because of my fall. The moment passed and now she was feeling sad. More than likely because of Dinah. Not only was I going to be shunned whenever we were all together, Normani would be ignored as well.
I knew, with certainty, that she was about to feel what I had felt so many times before. That she would know what Lauren had gone through as well; the times I had ignored the green-eyed beauty. She would be looking at Dinah, probably with longing and wishing that she had chosen Dinah's side. I would understand if she went back. I wouldn't judge her. I knew what it was like to be starting out in a relationship and be in the honeymoon stage. I knew it all too well. I was an expert.
"I don't care about the whole situation with Dinah and Ally. What I'm worried about is you, are you going to be okay?" I asked, concerned with how she would handle it. "You don't have to pretend with me, Mani. You know I've been there one too many times."
She sighed, her hands covering her face for a brief second then falling to her sides. I could see her eyes were starting to get red with tears brimming her eyelashes, begging to be released. Her lips formed a frown which just showed me how miserable she was and it hadn't been a full hour. I put my arms out to her, inviting her to come closer for comfort. She walked over to me, plopping down next to me. I took her into my arms, wrapping them fully around her.
Normani buried her face into my chest, sobs tumbling out of her as I held her as tight as I could without suffocating her. I ran my fingers over her hair gently in a soothing manner until she was completely done crying and even then, I didn't stop. I wanted her to have the comfort that Dinah had given me when I had been in the same boat. I wanted to be her 'Dinah', make things better for her.
"Woah. Why is Normani is crying? Is she okay? Camz? What's going on?"
Why was it that everyone just appeared randomly out of nowhere? One moment it had been just Normani and me sitting on the floor of the bus and the next Lauren was standing in front of us distraught over Normani's current state. I didn't even see her come in, let alone hear her walking towards us.
"I'm fine Laur. See?" Normani pushed her way out of my embrace and put on the most bogus smile I had ever seen. There was no way that Lauren wouldn't notice. Lauren could be stupid, but she wasn't dumb enough to fall for a fake smile.

Amnesia (Camren)
FanfictionAn accident leads to Lauren being in a coma for a year. She wakes up and doesn't remember the girls or the rough relationship her and Camila have had. With no memory, Lauren rejoins the group and finds out the hard way that not having a single memor...