chapter one

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Adonia smirked over at the man, raising one eyebrow, and while the man was distracted, Jay grabbed the necklace the man had. The man yelled in protest, but the two teens were already gone, Jay giving the blonde a fist bump as he pocketed the gorgeous necklace.

"They say I'm trouble, they say I'm bad," Adonia felt the words leave her lips, smirking over at Jay as they maneuvered through the isle, they knew the place like the back of their hand, "they say I'm evil, and that makes me glad."

Jay let Adonia go down the ladder first before he followed after her, dropping on the ground, "A dirty no-good, down to the bone, your worst nightmare, can't take me home."

Even from where Jay and Adonia stood, they could hear Evie singing, and they traveled over to where she had to be, Adonia being able to grab a few more valuables, handing them to Jay who pocketed them quickly. Carlos was next, and Adonia turned down a different path, leaving Jay on his own.

She ducked around several people, bumping their shoulders as hard as she could, and when she rounded a corner, Evie and Mal followed, standing slightly behind her as she lead the way, "Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the baddest of them all? Welcome to my wicked world... wicked world,"

Adonia was the first to grab onto the fence, the other four following after her. She didn't know how they all knew what to sing, when to sing, and how to dance, it just happened that way, and honestly? She loved it. The door flung open and chaos followed the five kids.

Adonia pushed someone over to Mal, who fully pushed him off the wooden crates they stood on, and Adonia dodged the others easily, belting out the lyrics everyone else seemed to know as well, "I'm nothing like a kid next like the kid next door, I'm rotten to the..."

Adonia smiled at all the chaos going on, Evie and her sharing a smile as they pulled down a sheet together, "I'm rotten to the..."

Adonia put her arm around Evie's shoulder as the duo ran after the rest of the group, and Adonia made sure to kick over a laundry basket, Evie giving the blonde a high-five, "I'm rotten to the core."


Adonia was still tired from dancing, and she slumped in the chair next to her mother, who was looking at a dead rose with a glare. Though the moment Adonia sat down, Circe looked up, and she smiled at her daughter, "You look tired."

"I'm exhausted." Adonia told her mother honestly, running a hand through her blonde hair that matched her mother's.

"Circ, tell them why they should steal Fairy Godmother's wand!" Maleficent's voice made Circe cringe, and she looked around the villains before her. She didn't belong with them, her gut churned with anger, she was still mad at King Adam for what he had done for her, and this was her way to get revenge.

"You steal the wand, and once again, people will cower in terror at the sound of your names," Circe spoke flatly. Sure, she wanted revenge, but she was never going to be as bad as the four that she sat with. She looked over at her daughter, her lips pulled in a tight line as she saw the mischief in her daughter's blue eyes. Her stomach clenched in guilt, going to Auradon would be best for her baby.

"I can't just leave you, Mom," Adonia whispered, though Maleficent still heard Circe's daughter's words, and a loud cackle left her lips, making everyone look back up at the woman with the horns.

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