chapter six

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        When Adonia got into the bathroom, Mal had Jane cowering, and Jane whimpered when she realized Adonia was here too. Adonia smiled another sickly sweet smile, "Hello, Jane."

        Jane squeaked in fear, and went to pass by the two villain kids, but Adonia held her arm up, "Wait, please don't go!"

        Jane squeaked again, and Mal quickly covered up for Adonia's slip-up, "Doni and I, we just want a friend, but you have all the friends you need, huh?"

        "Hardly..." Jane trailed off, picking at her fingers nervously. Mal and Adonia shared a look, and Adonia stepped forward, laying a hand on Jane's shoulder.

        "Really? You'd think, as the daughter of the Fairy Godmother and your adorable personality, you'd have all the friends in the world," Adonia spoke, and honestly, she was speaking the truth. Jane was a pretty girl, and she seemed nice, Adonia was surprised that Jane didn't have that many friends.

        "I'd rather be pretty, like you," Jane spoke honesty, looking at Adonia, before she looked at Mal and back to Adonia, "and you've both got great hair."

        A weird feeling bubbled in Adonia'a gut as Mal and her practically manipulated Jane. Mal simply smirked at the expense of Jane, and the purple-haired girl elbowed Adonia sharply, "Doni here is great with spells."

        Adonia looked at Mal, confused as to why she didn't find a spell to say, she did have her mother's spell book, but Adonia turned to Jane and smiled again, "I could, if you want-"

        "Please!" Jane yelled out, her hand brushing through her short hair, and Adonia nodded. She moved her fingers in weird ways, purple mist swirling around her finger tips before the purple mist surrounded Jane's head, and when it dispersed, Jane was left with gorgeous curly locks.

        "Woah, you almost don't notice your," Mal trailed off, motioning to Jane's face, "other features anymore."

        "Do my nose!" Jane excitedly bounced on her toes, looking from Adonia to Mal. Adonia shrugged, ready to comply, but Mal pinched her arm harshly.


        "Oh, we can't," Mal stressed on the word "we", giving Adonia a pointed look, and she took the message, nodding in agreement as Mal continued, "I've been practicing, but you know, I can't do really big magic, not like your mom with her wand."

        "Yeah," Adonia continued for Mal, flashing a fake smile Jane's way, "With your mom's wand, you could have any features that you want!"

        "She doesn't use the wand anymore, she believes the real magic is in the books," Jane explained, much to Mal and Adonia's displeasure, "And not the spell books, regular books with history and stuff."

        "That's a rip," Mal piped up, and Adonia nodded in agreement, shrugging as she took in Jane's words.

        "A world with no magic is a world I don't want to live in." Jane gave Adonia a weird look, before uttering out a quiet 'yeah', and Mal turned Jane's attention back on her as Mal brought up Cinderella, and how Fairy Godmother helped the soon-to-be princess.

        "Yeah, if your mom could do that for a complete stranger," Adonia cunningly smirked over at Jane, who shrunk back a little, "why couldn't she do the same thing for you? Her own daughter?"

        "Doesn't she love you?" Mal's words struck both Adonia and Jane, both in different ways. Adonia looked at the ground for a brief second, her eyes flashing purple, before she looked back up at Jane.

        "Well, of course she does, it's... it's just, you know, tough love," Jane explained, moving her arms about as if it would help explain her point, "like, 'work on the inside, not the outside', you know, that sort of thing."

        "That's the face," Mal whispered, and she looked from Adonia to Jane, "and then just look as If your... your heart is about to break."

        Adonia made a sad face, stepping closer to Jane, and she jutted out her bottom lip, letting it shake ever so slightly, her eyes watering with fake tears, "Oh, mother, I just don't understand why you can't make me beautiful, too."

        "Woah," Jane whispered, watching as Adonia's sad pout morphed into a sick smirk, "think it would work?"

        "Oh I know it would work," Adonia chuckled darkly, and Mal nodded in agreement with Adonia's words.

        "Doni is right, that's what old Cindy did," Mal huffed out, and she threw her arm over Adonia's shoulder, "and your mother Bibbidi-bobbidi-booed the living daylights out of her."

        "But, if your mom does decide to, you know, break out the old wand, invite us," Adonis added, wrapping her arm around Mal's waist as the best friends stared down Jane. Jane gulped, before she nodded quickly, a smile crossing her face.

        "If I can convince mom, you're so there." Mal smirked at Jane's words, spewing out a not so enthusiastic 'yay!', and Adonia and her shared a look that Jane overlooked. The blonde waved goodbye as Jane parted from the two.

        Mal and Adonia broke apart, and the two shared a high five. Getting this wand was going to be easier than they thought. As the pair walked out of the bathroom, Mal threw her arm over Adonia's shoulder.

        "Our parents are going to be so proud of us, Doni!" Mal sounded happy, but Adonia didn't feel the same. She liked being away from her mom. Sure, Circe definitely was the most motherly out of all the villains, but Circe was manipulative, she didn't even mean that I love you when Adonia left, and they both knew it.

        Adonia looked around Auradon as Mal and her walked to their next class, and she couldn't help but wonder; maybe Adonia was an Auradon girl.


{i do not own disney descendants, but i do own adonia, so please do not steal her, thank you!}


{this is the outfit i picture adonia wearing}

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{this is the outfit i picture adonia wearing}


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