chapter eleven

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Adonia was beginning to get tired of school, and homework, and having to get up before the sun. It was probably the biggest (and only) downfall of being in Auradon. She put her math binder away, changing it out for her spell book, the plain black leather book could pass away as a simple notebook, and she turned her head, as she felt someone's presence, she jumped up in surprise, shoving her spell book back into her locker.

Ben stood there, a single rose in his fingers, and a dazzling smile on his face. Immediately, Adonia felt a smile reach up on her own cheeks, and she tilted her head to the right, "Bennyboo, what're you doing?"

"Giving my Doni a beautiful rose." The way Ben said she was his sent a chill down her spine, and she didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing, and she delicately took the rose from Ben, bringing it up to her nose to smell the gorgeous flower.

"Ben, it's absolutely lovely," Adonia whispered, her cheeks turning as red as the petals. She hated what Ben was doing to her, but at the same time, she loved the way that her heart seemingly fluttered every time he was near, "thank you."

Ben fiddled with his fingers, and slowly he reached out, taking Adonia's free hand, he was shaking like a leaf. Adonia gave his sweaty palm a squeeze, silently comforting him, and the Prince smiled ever so slightly, "Do you... maybe want to... I don't know..."

Adonia leaned forward, nodding her head as if silently telling Ben to continue, and the prince cleared his throat, "Will you go on a date with me?"

The blonde opened her mouth and shut it again. She's never been on a date before, her stomach swirled with nerves, and she looked around her as if someone would swoop in and save her. Ben's face started to fall when Adonia didn't answer, and she tightened her grip on his hand, "Of course!"

         "Really?" Ben's eyes lit up, and Adonia laughed at Ben's antics, nodding her head as quickly as possibly, her blue eyes showing her excitement. Ben wrapped his arms around the blonde, who immediately tended up, but the prince didn't seem to notice as he pulled the girl at arms length, and she rested her hand on his chest, the two staring at each other silently. Ben leaned down, but once again, Adonia turned her head, his lips landing on her cheek.

        "I'll see you later, yeah?" Adonia walked away from Ben, looking at the prince from over her shoulder, and the moment Ben was out of her view, she started sprinting toward where she last saw Evie, her heart practically beating out of her ribcage.


        As Adonia was running to find Evie, she bumped into Mal, and the blonde and purple haired girl ran to where Evie was, she was sitting next to Doug, and across from Kyra, the two Auradon kids doing their homework as Evie boasted about her grade.

        "Evie, finally!" Adonia yelled, catching the blue haired girl's attention, "I have been looking for you everywhere!"

        "What's the matter?" Evie stood up, inspecting her blonde haired best friend, looking from Adonia to Mal worriedly, and Adonia tugged at the bottom of her hair.

        "Ben asked her out on a date," Mal said as Adonia took in a few deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves as she looked at Evie with pleading eyes, "she's freaking out a little."

        "We can do this," Kyra laughed, standing up and folding her notebook closed, "Ben's a sweetie, no need to be nervous."

         "That's easy for you to say," Adonia wheezed, clutching at her shirt as she looked at Kyra with wide eyes, "I've never been on a date."

        Doug looked at all the girls and tilted his head, he was confused as to why all the girls seemingly got antsy at the sound of a date, and he raised a brow, "I'm sure everything will be okay?"

        "We can handle this," Evie muttered, shoving her papers into her bag, as Kyra did the same thing with her own homework, and Evie gave Doug's shoulder a squeeze, sending a dashing smile his way, "bye!"

        Doug waved goodbye as Evie put an arm over Adonia's shoulder, Mal on Evie's over side, and Kyra on Adonia's other side. Kyra smiled over at Adonia, trying to get the other blonde to relax, "It's okay! I have a date tonight as well, we can get ready together."

        "You are looking a little pale though." Evie pointed out, and Adonia looked over at Evie with a blank face, a face that made Mal laugh and nod in agreement, "I can fix that with some gloss and some blush."

     "Oh no," Adonia protested, only for Evie to tap her chin in thought, brainstorming what she could do to her best friend.

        "Maybe some red lipstick?" Kyra asked, and Evie snapped her fingers, nodding at the other blonde girl.

        "That's exactly what she needs!" Adonia gave Mal a pleading look from over Evie's head, Mal giving the blonde an innocent look, to which Adonia gave the purple haired girl an icy glare.

        Despite her nerves though, Adonia couldn't help but be super excited for her date with Ben.


{ i do not own disney descendants, but i do own adonia, so please do not steal her, thank you!}


{this is what i picture kyra wearing}

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{this is what i picture kyra wearing}


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