chapter nine

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        "Are you feeling kind of weird about this?" Jay asked, looking at Adonia in the eye as she dug through her locker, "I mean, It's not so bad here, you know."

        "It isn't," Adonia agreed, much to Jay's surprise, and Mal came to a halt by the blonde's locker, as Adonia continued, "but I have to make my mom proud."

        "Are you both insane?" Mal all but yelled in the two's faces, "Long live evil! You're mean! You're awful! You're bad news! Snap out of it!"

        Jay blinked twice, thanking Mal for the refresher, and Adonia simply rolled her eyes at the purple haired girl, but she didn't say anything as she saw Ben with Audrey from the corner of her eye, and she grabbed a plastic bag from her locker, the plastic bag that held the cookie, "Wish me luck."

        Adonia made it over to Ben just as Audrey walked away, and when Ben shut his locker, Adonia flashed her best smile, making the prince smile back, "Hi there, Bennybear!"

        "Hey Doni," Ben laughed, leaning against his locker, and Adonis held the bag up, showing the prince the perfectly baked cookie.

        "I just made a batch of cookies." Adonia took the cookie out of the bag, waving it in Ben's face, "Double chocolate chip, do you want one?"

"Oh, I, uh, I've got a big game," Ben mumbled, his eyes adverting from Adonia as he prayed he didn't hurt the girl's feelings, "I don't eat before a big game, but thank you so, so much, next time!"

        "Oh, I get it," Adonia tried to sound as sad as possible, dropping her arm down so the cookie rested near her hip, and she looked away from Ben, her eyes watering, "don't trust the villain kids right? They're only up to no good, I understand, I'm sorry."

        "That's not it at all-" Ben tried to explain himself, but Adonia cut him off, her lip trembling.

        "It's okay, I'm sure every kid in Auradon knows not to trust us villain kids." Ben's heart seemed to break at Adonia's words, she just looked so sad. Adonia looked over at Mal from the corner of her eye, watching as the purple haired girl smirked.

        "No, that's not it," Ben explained, looking at Adonia with sad eyes. He felt his heart thud in his chest when her blue eyes got even more watery, making them much more blue than before, but Ben swore he saw purple swirling in her irises as well.

        "It's okay, I'll just eat it." Adonia moved the cookie up to her lips, but as she was about to open her mouth, Ben grabbed her arm and took a bite out of the cookie.

        "See that?" Ben said through the bite of cookie, and as he went to take another bite, Adonis took it away, as Ben swallowed the chewy cookie, "Totally trust you, totally."

        Ben couldn't look away from Adonia's eyes, not even looking away from the blonde when Mal asked how he felt. He tilted his head, as he thought of the words to say, "They're good, they're great, they're amazing! They're, uh... I mean, they're chewy and, and you know, they... is that walnuts?"

        Adonia nodded at Ben's words, and Ben smiled, tilting his head as he admired Adonia, "I love walnuts. I mean, uh, you know, the... the chocolate... the... the chocolate... the chocolate chips are..."

        Ben was at a loss for words as he leaned closer to Adonia, "I'm sorry, um... uh, they're... they're warm and soft, and they're sweet... Doni, have you always had those little purple flecks in your eyes?"

        "How you feeling, bro?" Jay patted Ben on the back, but Ben didn't look away from the blonde in front of him. He felt so many emotions for the girl in front of him, all he could think about was her, all he could see was her, he was infatuated with her.

        "I feel... I feel... I feel like... Like singing your name," Ben answered as fast as he could, and he opened his mouth, belting out, "Doni!"

        Adonia covered Ben's mouth as he tried to sing out 'Doni' again, and Mal sent a smirk toward the blonde, who was blushing a bright red.


        "This is a nail-biter, folks," the commentator spoke loudly through the speakers, and Adonia was practically bouncing on her toes as she watched Ben run on the field, "There's 47 seconds left on the clock, we're all tied up, the Sherwood Falcons, two. The Fighting Knights, two, what a game between Auradon's fiercest rivals."

        Although Adonia had absolutely no clue what was going on, she could tell Ben was beginning to get antsy, and she leaned over toward Evie, "Ben's got this, right?"

        Evie didn't say anything, but she sent a smirk toward Adonia, who crossed her arms and looked away, completely unamused with Evie's smirk.

        "He's bringing that hothead Jay in from the Isle of the Lost," The three girls cheered as Jay sauntered onto the field, Carlos right behind them, "and that little guy Carlos can barely hold a shield."

        "Adonia, hey!" Adonia smiled at Kyra as she pushed through the crowd. Evie waved at the blonde as well, and Kyra looked over at the field with practically hearts in her eyes, "is it just me or is Carlos a heartthrob?"

        The three girls shared a look as Kyra sighed, watching as Carlos avoided any action of the game, but she laughed when he did a little dance after successfully tackling someone, "Gosh, he's so cute!"

        "Did Carlos happen to give you... a cookie this morning?" Mal asked the blonde, and Kyra nodded her head happily.

        "It was the best cookie ever!" At Kyra's words, the three girls visibly gulped, but Adonia bit the inside of her cheek, her and Carlos were going to have a word. However, Adonia never got to voice her thoughts as Ben scored the winning goal.

        Adonia had never screamed so loud in her life, clapping and cheering wildly for Ben, her face flushing red when Mal raised a brow, and she muttered a quiet 'shut up' to her best friend.

        "Excuse me, excuse me, can I have your attention, please?" Ben said into a microphone, his eyes locked on Adonia, who was looking back at him in embarrassment, "There's something I'd like to say. Give me a "D"!"

        Everyone around Adonia repeated after Ben, who then made an 'O' with his arms, "Give me an "O"!"

        Mal and Evie both sent winks Adonia's way, as they copied what Ben was doing, as he yelled out again, "Give me an "N"!"

        Kyra threw an arm over Adonia's shoulder, a large grin on her face as she called back to Ben, repeating what he said.

        "Give me an "I"!" The whole student body was practically smirking over at Adonia, as everyone knew that 'Doni' was her nickname, and her nickname only.

        "What's that spell?"


        "I can't hear you!" Ben yelled, and everyone called out Adonia's name louder. The blond tried to hide behind Evie, but the blue haired girl wasn't having it, as she pushed the blonde back into the center of attention.

        Ben pointed up at the blonde, a wide smile on his face, "I love you, Adonia, did I mention that?"

        Audrey turned her head, her eyes locking on Adonia's for a brief second, and Adonia get slightly bad, from here she could see Audrey's heart shatter.


{i do not own disney descendants, but i do own adonia, so please do not steal her, thank you!}

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