chapter thirteen

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        Adonia kept her eyes forward as she walked over the long old-looking bridge. She didn't like heights, and the water that flowed underneath them added to her stress. She could feel Ben close behind her, and she felt her muscles relax, Ben made her feel safe, made her feel at ease.

        "Tell me something about yourself," Ben spoke up from behind, gaining Adonia's attention, "that you've never told anyone."

        "Um," Adonia trailed off, her eyes looking at the bridge rather than the handsome boy behind of her, but slowly her eyes locked with his as she looked over her shoulder, "my middle name is Rose."

        Ben's eyebrows went up, as he took in what the villain kid had just said, and he tilted his head to the side, "Rose?"

        "Yeah, Rose." Adonia cleared her throat, as she prepared to explain herself for the terrible middle name, turning back around, "You know how much my mom loves roses, so yeah; Adonia Rose."

        Adonia stopped, looking over the side of the sturdy bridge, which was definitely a big mistake as she felt her heart began to race, and Ben slowly touched her hand with his own, "Mine's Florian."

        Adonia looked up at Ben from over her shoulder, a teasing smile crossing her lips, "Florian? How... princely."

        Ben laughed at Adonia's words as she began to start walking again, and he followed after her, as the blonde looked over her shoulder, claiming his middle name was worse than her own, and he shook his head, a teasing grin on his lips, "Hey now, it's better that Rose."

        Ben felt a blush rise over his cheeks when Adonia looked back, raising her brow, and he looked down at his shoes, mumbling quietly, "Okay, maybe Florian is worse, but that's beside the point."

        As the end of the bridge neared, Ben went before Adonia, lending her a hand as she bounced down from the bridge.

        Ben lead Adonia through the forest, and his heart thumped with anticipation, hoping the girl would like what he had set up for her. Once he had lead her to the little picnic he had set up, he squeezed her hand lightly, "Open!"

       Adonia let out a gasp, her lips pulling into a grin. Her heart swelled. No one had ever done this for her before, and even though the prince was under a spell, she still felt loved, "This is incredible."

       Ben blushed lightly, motioning for the girl to sit, and her eyes scanned over the food that Ben had set up, though she immediately picked up a gooey brownie, shoving it into her mouth, getting some melted chocolate on her lip. She hummed in approval.

     "Is this your first time?" Ben smiled, his eyes locked on the chocolatey mess upon the blonde girl's lips. Though the blonde didn't realize that's what she meant.

        "My mom believed I'd find true love someday, but no one really dates on the island," Adonia grimaced, thinking of her poor mother who was wrongly placed on the island, "everyone is too concerned with themselves."

       Ben chuckled, but his heart sank for the girl before him, though he tried his best to brush it off, "Is this your first time eating a brownie?"

       Adonia blushed from embarrassment, realizing he was talking about some chocolate on her lip, "Where is it? Is it bad?"

       "No, no," Ben tried to soothe the embarrassed girl, and he tried to show her what to do, by licking his lips as an example. Though the blonde didn't get the chocolate after mimicking hid motions.

       "Did I get it?"

     "Uh," Ben trailed off before he used his thumb to wipe it off of her lip, the duo both a blushing mess when he leaned back, "I got it."

       "Oh gosh," Adonia mumbled, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear, "can't take me anywhere, huh?"

       Ben only could smile. His whole mind was entranced with thoughts only of the blonde girl in front of him, and he leaned forward, "Tell me something, tell me anything."

        "My favorite color is purple," Adonia tested the waters, watching as Ben reacted to her words. He stared intently, as if her saying purple was her favorite color was like magic to his ears, "I love to garden... um, I'm sixteen and I've only lived in one place?"

       "I kill everything I try to grow," Ben mumbled, looking down at his hands awkwardly, "but my favorite color is yellow, and I'm sixteen too, and I've only lived in one place!"

       "Did you know yellow and purple are complimentary colors?" Ben grinned at Adonia's words, and he reached out for her hand, though she moved it back. She ignored the look of hurt on his face, and she tried to come up with another thing to tell him, "Why are you so nice to me?"


       "My mother cursed your father— sure your father wasn't exactly playing nice, but my mother still tricked him, wouldn't you be mad at me?"

       "Honestly, without your mother, my father never would have met my mother," Ben shrugged Adonia's hurtful question off, "I should be thanking Circe."

       "Why is she on the island in the first place?"

       Ben was stumped. That was a good question. He had heard his father telling his mother about it. Saying that you never forget who curses you, even if her mind was in the right place, he still was tricked and he didn't need a trickster in Auradon, "I don't know."

       "You know, our stories are fairly similar." Ben tried to change the subject, though Adonia shrugged him off, disagreeing with his statement. She even brought up the fact that he would become king in a short period of time, to which Ben simply answered with, "A crown doesn't make you king."

       "It kind of does." Adonia pointed out, raising her brow with a teasing grin. Ben only rolled his eyes.

       "No," Ben started, though he paused, as if thinking what to say, "your mother is an Enchantress, and I've got the poster parents for goodness—but we're not automatically like them; we get to choose who we're gonna be."

       Adonia looked down, her heart strings pulling as her mind flashed with the mental images of her friends, though she looked up when Ben's hand touched hers, "And right now, I can look into your eyes and I can tell you're not evil, I can see it."

       An awkward silence filled the air, but Ben quickly cut it down, jumping up abruptly, "Let's go for a swim!"


{i do not own disney descendants, but i do own adonia, so please do not steal her, thank you!}

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