chapter ten

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        "This isn't happening," Adonia whimpered out, covering her face as she watched Ben make a fool out of himself, though Mal and Evie thought it was possibly the best thing to ever happen as they danced along to the beat.

        "Did I mention, that I'm in love with you?" Ben sang, and immediately a blush rose on the back of Adonia's neck, this wasn't happening, she was going crazy, "Did I mention there's nothing I can do, and did I happen to say I dream of you everyday, but let me shout it out loud if that's okay, if that's okay!"

        Ben winked over at the blonde girl, who simply tried to conceal her embarrassment with a smirk, that melted into a smile as Ben continued on, "I met this girl that rocked my world like it's never been rocked, and now I'm living just for her, and I won't ever stop."

        Adonia couldn't help but chuckle at Ben's dancing, and she swayed along to the beat of the music, it was pretty catchy, "I never thought it can happen to a guy like me, but now look at what you've done, you got down on my knees!"

        "Because my love for you is ridiculous, because my love for you is ridiculous, I never knew that it can be like this," Ben couldn't control his excitement when he saw Adonia laugh and sway along with the music, it made his adrenaline rush as he danced side the tourney team, "My love for you is ridiculous, my love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S, and I would give my kingdom for just one kiss!"

        "Well, did I mention that I'm in love with you, and did I mention there's nothing I can do," Ben was still practically on Cloud Nine as Adonia sang along to herself, playfully dancing with Kyra who was twirling around and waving at Carlos, who was blushing bright red, "and did I happen to say I dream of you everyday, but let me shout it out if that's okay, if that's okay!"

         "I gotta know which way to go, c'mon gimme a sign, you gotta show me that you're only ever gonna be mine." Ben let his boys move, dancing as he saw fit, and Adonia seemed to like it as she clapped along to the music, her eyes practically sparkling in the sun, but even from where Ben stood, he could still see the purple in her eyes, "Don't want to go another minute even without you, that's if your heart just isn't in it, I don't know what I'd do."

        "Because my love for you is ridiculous, I never knew that it can be like this," Adonis hid her face again, but this time in shock as Ben was practically launched into the air by his teammates and she looked at Mal, as if the purple haired girl could do something, but Mal simply smirked in amusement, "My love for you is ridiculous, my love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S, and I would give my kingdom for just one kiss, c'mon now!"

        Ben seemed to be having the time of his life as he took off his jersey, tossing it at Adonia, which she caught with a large smile, and held it close to her chest as Ben continued his little... show, "Because my love for you is ridiculous, I never knew that it can be like this, my love for you is ridiculous."

        Ben was launched up into the crowd and Adonia tried to get away from Ben, only to be met with a smirking Mal and a giggly Evie, she struggled in their grips, "My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S, and I would give my kingdom for just one kiss, c'mon now!"

        As Ben finished his number, Evie forced Adonia to turn around, and timidly Adonia placed her hand on Ben's chest, the closeness of the boy before her was making her slightly uncomfortable, "I love you, Doni, did I mention that?"

        "Many times, yeah," Adonia answered awkwardly, looking back at her two best friends, "many many times."

        Audrey stole the microphone from Ben, a fake grin on her face as she announced to the school that Chad was now her boyfriend, and how she wasn't about to be Ben's pity date and she planted a kiss on Chad's lips, however the prince turned away, his eyes locking on Adonia, who glanced at Evie with concern.

        "Doni, will you go to the coronation with me?" The hope in Ben's eyes stirred something deep within Adonia, and she looked over at her two best friends before a smile formed on her face and she took the microphone from Ben.

        "Yes!" Adonia's heart fluttered when Ben leaned down to give her a kiss, and she turned her head sharply, pressing Ben's chest back slightly. Ben didn't mind being rejected though as he took the microphone back, his smile never faltering.

        "She said yes!" Ben's glee was cut short as Jay clapped him on the back, telling him the team needed him. As everything began to calm down, Adonia looked over at a saddened Evie.

        "Ya wanna know something?" The two girls looked at the blonde as she ran a hand through her messy curly hair, "I feel bad for Audrey."

        "You do?" Evie asked, her face brightening up ever so slightly, and Mal nodded in agreement.

        "I was thinking the same thing," Mal voiced her agreement, as her and Adonia threw their arms around Evie's shoulder, "I  feel like if she were talented like you, and she knew how to sew and knew beauty tips, that she wouldn't need a prince to make her feel better about herself."

        "I guess I am kind of talented." Evie boasted, and Adonia laid her head on Evie's shoulder, squeezing her in a comforting embrace.

        "You're extremely talented, E." Evie leaned her head back on top of Adonia's as she took in all the attention she was receiving, a large smile on her lips, and she mumbled out a quiet thank you to her two best friends.

        Adonia looked down at the field, and her eyes locked on Ben's, before her blue eyes looked back at her best friends, she couldn't help but feel guilty; she was beginning to like it here more than she would care to admit.


{i do not own disney descendants, but i do own adonia, so please do not steal her, thank you!}

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