chapter five

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Adonia was completely bored out of her mind. She chose to sit by herself at the back of the room for this Remedial Goodness 101 garbage, and was playing with the rose charm as she blankly stared at the desk before her.

"If someone hands you a crying baby," Fairy Godmother spoke, hitting the board with her pointer stick, gaining the attention of Adonia for a brief moment, "do you; A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart?"

Fairy Godmother called on Evie, as she had raised her hand, but she grew disappointed when Evie wasn't answering the question. She looked at the girl in the back of the room, who was barely paying attention, and Fairy Godmother smiled, "Adonia?"

Adonia's head snapped up at the sound of her name, and her face grew red when she realized she had been caught, "Uh... C?"

Fairy Godmother praised Adonia after telling her to pay more attention, and Jay looked back at the blonde, "Dang, Doni, you're good!"

"No," Adonia hissed, glaring at the boy harshly, and she bit the inside of her cheek as she felt her anger grow, how dare Jay say that she is good! She was a villain through and through, "I just picked the most boring answer."

"That's what I've been doing!" Mal smirked back at the blonde, and the blonde smirked back. The other three nodded as it dawned on them. However, their attention was drawn away from Fairy Godmother as a timid girl walked up between the rows of desks.

Fairy Godmother beckoned for the girl to come forward, saying something about early dismissal, coronation, and introduced the girl as her daughter Jane. Adonia smiled a sickly sweet smile, Jane timidly pushing her short hair out of her face.

"Hiya, Jane!" Adonia's tone was extremely sweet, too sweet, and Jane cowered back, mumbling out a quiet hello, before she walked down the aisle between the desk again, as briskly as possible.

Fairy Godmother cleared her throat, gaining the villain kid's attention again, and she asked the next question, in which everyone (with the exception of Adonia) raised their hand.

Jay answered the question correctly, and after Carlos told his best friend that he wanted to answer, Jay locked him in a headlock. Fairy Godmother tutted, and got their attention quickly, telling them to save their energy for the field, what ever that may be.


Adonia sat on the bleachers, as this was her free period, and she opened the notebook she had brought, chewing lightly on the cap of the pen she had. She began scribbling notes, straining her brain to remember certain spells her mother had told her, her loopy handwriting scratching across the page quickly. Her train of thought was broken when someone poked her and she snapped her head up.

        The blonde girl who had poked Adonia shot back in shock, and stumbled on to the bleachers beside Adonia, "Oh my, don't do that!"

        Adonia looked at the girl in confusion, all she did was look up? The new girl took a breath, laying a hand on her chest, her other hand fixing her skirt, and after she had situated herself, she placed a sketch book in her lap. The blonde girl smiled widely at Adonia, and she scooted closer to Adonia, only for Adonia to move away.

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