chapter fourteen

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Adonia didn't like water. She never liked even the thought of swimming, and the fact that she couldn't swim played a factor into her fear. Instead she shook her head, "I think I'm just gonna stay here."

"No, no, no," Ben tried to urge the young woman, tugging on her arm like a child would, "come on!"

"Ben," Adonia whispered, her eyes locked on the water. It did look a lot prettier than the water surrounding the Isle, "I don't know how to swim."

She ducked her head in embarrassment, only for Ben to make her look up at him, by placing his pointer finger under her jaw, "There's no reason to be scared, I'll protect you."

"I don't even have a swimsuit."

Ben smiled cheekily, pulling out a swimsuit that Queen Belle had picked out specifically. It was a light blue, with roses all over it. And it was a two piece, but still covered all that needed to be covered. A halter top and high-waist bikini bottoms. Classy yet comfortable.

"I'm not wearing that."

"Come on!" Ben all but whined, holding the suit up just a little higher, as if Adonia looking at it again would change her mind, "I think it's cute!"

"How about next time? And I'll wear the suit under my clothes, okay?" Adonia tried to reason, and then she motioned to the food before her, "plus I've always wanted to try an apple that wasn't poisoned, I've literally never had a regular apple before."

Ben watched with his head slightly tilted as the girl popped a slice of green apple into her mouth, "Oh my gosh, it's sweet and sour! I love it!"

Ben only sighed, shaking his head as he placed the new suit next to her, but a smile took over his features as he watched his date stuff her face with food, "Well, just don't eat all of them!"

Adonia only nodded, shoving another piece of apple into her mouth before she bit into a strawberry, pleasantly happy with eating all the fruit. Though she was pulled away when Ben hollered, standing at the top of a cliff.

A giggle left the blonde's lips as she leaned to get a closer look at his swim-trunks, "Are those little crowns on your shorts?"

"Guilty!" Ben called back, before he jumped off the cliff with a loud happy yell. The splash he made creating little waves that licked at the pavilion where Adonia sat.

As Adonia stared at the water, the more her heart sunk. What was wrong with her? Wasn't she bad? She was bad right? Her father was bad and though her mother was on the fence, she wasn't! But spending time with Ben... it made her happy. She liked being happy and to be happy meant to be good... right?

She was pulled from her thoughts though when Ben was no where to be found, and her heart thumped loudly in her chest. Had he figured out he was under a spell and left her? Had he drowned? Her eyes widened in fright as she took off, jumping into the water as she called out for the prince, "Ben? Ben!"

Her cries of panic turned into cries of frustration as Ben picked her up, his face facing her's, and she held onto his shoulders. Her hair was sopping wet, and she hit Ben's shoulder lightly, "You scared me!"

"I thought you said you couldn't swim."

"I can't!" Adonia was relieved Ben was okay, but she didn't know if she should be angry or not. She placed her hands on his cheeks lightly, "I thought you were hurt."

"So you were trying to save me?" Ben's grin was a little too cocky for Adonia's liking and she pushed the prince away, no longer feeling scared and rather now just being angry. She stomped back to the pavilion, pulling herself up.

"I thought I lost you, and did I even get a 'thank you'?" Adonia rambled, trying to ring out the excess water in her hair, "No! And now my socks are wet."

"I got you this rock," Ben tried to soothe the angry girl, handing her a magical rock, "Make a wish and throw it back into the lake."

Adonia glared at the prince as she took the rock and launched it into the lake, though she had made a mental wish, to stay happy forever, and she crossed her arms over her chest, "Thanks."

Ben sat beside the fuming blonde, and he played with his fingers awkwardly before he looked over at her. With the effect of her love potion being long gone, he still couldn't push the feelings he had felt away, "Doni, I told you that I loved you, but do you... do you love me?"

"I don't know what love really is," Adonia admitted, looking over at Ben with sad eyes, her lips pulling into a pout, "but you are special to me, Ben."

"Well, maybe I can teach you," Ben whispered, brushing a piece of Adonia's wet blonde hair behind her ear as he leaned close. Adonia flushed red, she could feel his breath fanning over her cheeks as he continued to talk, "teach you what love is."

Adonia smiled, leaning her head onto Ben's shoulder as she watched their legs dangle, swinging above the enchanted waters, "I'd like that very much."


{i do not own disney descendants, but i do own adonia, so please do not steal her, thank you!}

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